Need help in stocking

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 8, 2014
San Antonio,Tx
I have started my 75 gallon setup today,when my cycle will completed i want to add chiclids in that.I want to know which kinds r best for it ? How many can i put in them? Can i put mubunas,haps and peacock together? Help me out :)
Get an oscar they are really fun to take care of. You can hand feed them and give them live fish. But you can only get 1. ;(
Some people say you can't and some people say you can mix them. I mixed mine, but it is best to have a mbuna only tank or peacock/hap only tank.
I prefer the smaller Tanganyikans. You can have more. I did keep a few more aggressive fish with them but added them later and as babies. I didn't have as many fish though in the 75 because of the size on the types you mentioned.
As far as your Shellies go, brevis are nice but I prefer laprologus occalotus gold (sp?)
Calvus white or black are very very nice
One, maybe two leleupi
Buescheris have a great color along with an interesting shape
Stay away from tropheus,, if you really like them get only one, they will kick the crap out of each other
The julidicromus can be quite nippy but are awesome, highly recommend the transcripts

That might get you started
I have started my 75 gallon setup today,when my cycle will completed i want to add chiclids in that.I want to know which kinds r best for it ? How many can i put in them? Can i put mubunas,haps and peacock together? Help me out :)

You can put them all together, but with a stank that size I would recommend doing a male only peacock tank. They are less aggressive without females and also they are less aggressive than most other Malawi cichlids. Still look into lake tanganika, they are not as active or crazy as the Malawi, but they are cool
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