Need help with fish coming up missing!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 3, 2014
Central Florida
i have 2 bronze corys, 2 common plekos , 1 clown loach, 3 angels, 2 german blue rams (pair) 6 neon tetras, my first female of the pair , paired up as i was acclimating her, 4 days later they spawned, i have a 48" led with lunar and i turn my lunar on every night, the next morning the eggs were gone the male was around the area they spawned and the female was at the opposite end of the tank at the top gasping, she died that night, i bought another female and she just vanished , still cant find her, i have a new that paired up with my male and they are doing great so far eating good and very active, i bought a juvenile black lace veil angel over the weekend, was very active after acclimation , was swimming and feeding with the other 3 angels and the next i found it dead under some slate rock, i had 7 angels all together 2 weeks ago and now have 3 , none acted stressed or anything,, but when i turn my lunar on the freaks come and one of the fish get crazy. any ideas ?
Maybe it's the same boogie man that took my bristlenose pleco...if you find him, let me know.
Is your tank newly cycled? I have lost an angel once and I've never been able to find it.
ive had it going for 3 months , i had 30 fish in it at one time because i have no patience lol, i took them to a local fish store so i could add angels and rams. i have 3 in there now that are doing great, its just every time i add a new one something happens, same deal with my german blue rams , im on my 3rd female.
Blue rams are sensitive to water quality it's advised to have an established tank of up to 6 months. Your tank might not of been used to the bio load. You are supposed to only add like two fish per a a week or two. I'm like you and I like to stock my tank all at once. But for the best of your fish you should stock slowly. Are you good with you WCs? Have a good filter? Also what size is your tank?
i do 1 to 2 water changes a week depending on my water tests, and its a 55 , my male ram is doing great ive had him for a month, my first female i had with him took to him the moment she was acclimated , 4 days later they spawned but the next day she was dying on the other side of the tank and the eggs were gone. i bought a new female a few days later and she did good for 3 weeks and last week vanished , i bought a full grown angel and put in the tank the day my 4 other angles died, and then my last female went the next day or went some were . its scales were peeling off and everything out of no were, didnt last 24 hours. the store i bought it from said 4 days later when i went there to get my stuff to start my 30 that the batch of angels they got witch had the black one that i had bought did the same thing and they dont know why . the rest of my fish are doing good,, i dont plan to add anymore for awhile until i figure this out, my 2 rams for the last days have been showing signs of spawning and i dont want to disrupt that.
i have a hang on back top fin 60 filter, came with the tank, and i have a 1 little fishes reactor that i have hook to a 60 gph power head and i put filter floss in as well as bio media , i had a ich problem 2 months ago and took my carbon out to treat it but never put it back in , could that affect anything to cause my issue maybe.
the way i have been doing it is clipping the back to my while its in the water, and i have turkey baster that i use only for the tanks and ill suck some of the water out of the bag and slowly add some of my aquarium water but i do that after they sit in the bag inside the for about 20 mins, then ill add water in the bag slowly to adjust them to the ph , similar to drip acclimating , and then i poor into my net and add them to my tank quickly . my first pair of rams i did that for 2 hours because i was nervous about stressing them out or adding them to soon now i wait about 45 mins total for every fish i get.
i dont know its wierd. every new fish i add seem great until we go to bed and i turn my lunar lights on and then the next morning the new fish are stressed and dying or dead. very strange
You seem to be taking great care of your fish. The only thing that could be happening is bad stock at your LPS. Is there another one near by that you could buy from?
theres a few, ive bought from 2 different pet supermarkets in my area, my angels i got from another store that deals with just fresh and salt water fish, and my rams from a similar store. are from the central area, i dont want to get to personal but im in the polk county area . theres not to many places around here. i was going to order some , i want a pair of cockatoo cichlids for my 30 im setting up but id rather see the fish and see hows its taken care of before i buy it and have the same issues .
im having trouble keeping my ph at a steady mark. i was wanting to keep it around 6.6 and 6.8 for better breeding conditions for my rams. i have a video of it on youtube if you would like to see it .
If your ph isn't steady that could explain a lot. Tetra sells these tablet things that go and dissolve in your tank and they are supposed to keep your ph at 7.
i have some neutral regulator but im afraid to add it and cause my ph to change suddenly and kill them. its steady at 6.0 everytime i test it. my ammonia and nitrate are the only thing that changes through the week but i stay on top of it. when my ammonia gets to .25ppm i do a water change that day or the next, but i never let get higher than that
heres the link to my 55 gallon video , just to give you a better look at what i have. its my first planted tank ive ever done
It could either be your fluctuating ph of your ammonia spikes. Btw, here is what I was talking about....... Edit.. I was trying to upload a pic but I kept on getting the wrong pic I'll try again later
The note about it always happening after the lunar lights go on is interesting... Do you have a submersible lunar light, or is it one that sits over the water? If it's submersible, it's possible that it's got a short that is shocking the tank.
It's over .. I have a beamswork high lumen led

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