need some help on how much acrylic

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 30, 2013
Hello guys. ok i am planning on build an acrylic tank this summer and need a Lil help i want to build a 4-6 foot by 2 1/2 by foot. There the catch its gonna b a round corner tank. i have found a supplier just need to figer out how much i need i am thinking about bending the ends and having to straight pieces can someone help me find how long should i order the and pieces should b i want the ends to b u bends
Hi Charlie,

I have a 29-gallon acrylic tank, and it was not cheap! I can only assume that the build you're looking into is going to be quite expensive, but you probably already know that...

I can't help you with the measurements, but you may want to go on over to and look at their selection of acrylic tanks. I believe they post their measurements on the site, as well. They might be willing to help you if you give them a call. It doesn't hurt to try.

Good luck,
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