Need some ideas for my 55 gal

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 10, 2011
My hubby got me a 55 gal tank for my birthday. We have it all set up and are working on getting it cycled/ decorated before adding fish.

So here are some thoughts....

1) Cichlid tank. never kept them before, but they are so pretty. I know they can be highly aggressive, though. My brother had a tank and one slowly offed the others.

2) Move the fish from my 29 gal (peaceful fish, mostly mollies, neons, and the like..see sig) and put a freshwater puffer in the 29 gal, but hubby is not thrilled with the idea of a tank for ONE fish...even if that fish is way cool.

3) leave the 29 gal alone and get some semi sggressive fish for the 55 gal... or move the peaceful ones to the 55 and put semi aggressives in the 29 gal.

4) other ideas?

Decorating the 55 gal. I want a natural looking set up. I can't seem to find decorations that go higher than half of the tank. I want to fill in the space, preferably with something the fish can swim in/out of.

I REALLY want a marine tank. Sadly, that is way to much $$ for right now- and I am totally clueless on those!
Can you have real plants with Africans? I hear they eat them.

How many in a 55 gal? I read one page that said you needed to 'pack them in' to avoid fights.
I have only had success with anubius, I have an onion bulb that sprouted that they leave alone. Overstocking is a great way to avoid aggression but you must have adequate filtration to do that. I, myself, have 18 so far in my 55. I plan on upgrading filtration yet again here in the near future :) Anubius is a beautiful plant and looks great with rockscape which u should have with Africans as they need hiding spots to get away from aggressors. I can show u a pic of my tank if ur interested :)
2 of my 18 are not cichlids tho, 1 is an abn and the other is a Syno cat. Syndontis is a good fish to mix it up a bit so its not just Africans only. My Africans leave my cat alone and even share dens with it :) Syndontis is an African fish, just not a cichlid :)
I'd love to see a pic.

I have the filter that came with the aquarium... how much more would I need?
You would want to at the very least double the filtration. Say you have a filter rated for a 55g you would rather have one rated for a 110. I have an AquaCLear 110 and a Topfin 60 running. Im planning on ditching the 60 and getting another AC 110 when my budget allows :) Here is a pic for ya, just took it, I usually like to get pictures at lights out, they turn out better :)


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Thanks for te link.

I might actually have some flat river rocks around here, somewhere. Is there a special kind of silicone glue to use?
Thanks for te link.

I might actually have some flat river rocks around here, somewhere. Is there a special kind of silicone glue to use?

Well some say you can use a GE brand, I think? I used Locktite, its says right on the package aquarium safe, I think it was only like $5.
I would give the cichlids a try!

Yay! I think you will be happy! So many beautiful fish out there :) Now the fun part! Stocking your tank :) Here's some pics of my guys for some inspiration :)


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Convict2161 said:
Get yourself a nice stock of African Cichlid's. Lake Malawi Cichlid's are nice so are lake Victoria.

That is the man to talk to about Cichlids :) taught me everything I know :)
AndrewsPistol said:
That is the man to talk to about Cichlids :) taught me everything I know :)

Awe well thank you but I learned from the great members here!!! There all GREAT and more then wiling to help! But thank you for the compliment! :)

I had great teachers also!

Jess don't cut yourself short. You did an outstanding job!
Once I started with oscars , I'm in love with cichlids.these are the most intelligent interactive and great species among all kind of fishes I know.Though 55g isn't a very good idea for oscars but agree with above. U can go wid african cichlids. Nice, colorful and real fun to watch.
I am going to realy think about the cichlids. I have a little time, waiting for the thing to cycle. I need to price out the caves, filters and such. I also would like a nice variety of live plants, but can't with africans.
Would it be good to do 2 or 3 in the 29 gal? I go have an extra filter for that size tank that I could use.

I have always wanted angels, too, are they the same as the africans?

Then there is the puffer....

Please excuse me while I'm being wishy washy. :whistle:
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