Need Stocking Advice

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 10, 2017
UP, Michigan
I currently have a 20 gallon long tank. I've had it set up and running for over a month now and I'm looking for another fish to add to the tank. My current stocking is not exactly ideal and I plan on switching things around come spring.
I have:
3 Goldfish... they're small at the moment and the keeping up with the waste right now isn't difficult but these guys will be moving out soon.
1 Rummynose Tetra
10 Neon Tetras
5 Guppies
5 Siamese Algae Eaters

I'm looking for a fish that's decent sized and will be fine by itself in the tank and will get along with the other fish. I keep the tank around 24 C.
I would like a fish that's kind of a focal point and the tank.

Some Notes:
-Hopefully the goldfish will be gone by the time the new fish is ready to be added.
-My tank is not currently overstocked but once the fish start to grow up some I will be moving to a larger tank.
- My tank is also semi-planted, so a fish that wouldn't eat my plants would be nice.
I honestly believe that fish are much happier and healthier in groups. Very few fish do well by themselves. Instead of looking for one fish, add more rummynose tetras. I think the idea of a "showcase" fish verges on the inhumane to the fish. There may be an exception or two but not many.
I somewhat agree with relderer on their opinion. If you are inclined to keeping the Rummynose than totally go for more of them, since they are a nice active fish that is always a pleasure to watch. If you have your heart settled on getting more fish of another species, however, than I would advise taking him back whenever you end up taking your goldfish back to the LFS.

For a 'showcase' fish I don't have any fish in mind that are kept absolutely solo since I personally just like having at least a couple of every fish I grab. If you are sold on getting a solo 'centerpiece' fish than I would advise doing a little research on the fish your LFS sells and see if any of the community fish are alright with a more solitary lifestyle.

Personally, I would advise Dwarf gouramis since they are a personal favourite of mine when I think of community fish. Some of their colour morphs are really pleasing to the eye and since you seem to have a lot of red and blue in your tank see if you cannot find some dwarf gouramis that share that colour pattern. Powder Blue and Flame Red dwarf gouramis bring a shock of colour to a tank that I think would look fabulous in your tank from what you have shared. What colour are the guppies you got?
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Goldfish are very messy and them alone will possibly overstock your tank sooner rather than later. Also goldfish are considered cold water fish and are incompatible with tropical fish.
I know you said you are taking them back but I thought that was worth saying again lol.

what you have right now seems like an interesting tank. however if you plan on keeping your rummynose tetra i agree with the above commentators. you are doing an injustice to the rummynose by keeping it by itself. it isn't happy. they are a social/schooling fish and it is probably stressed out being by itself.

also don't get any more fish till you deal with your goldfish and rummynose.
I don't think you could manage adding the 9 other rummynose to make your one lone one happy.

it's true your other fish aren't big bio-load contributers but still 20 fish for a twenty gallon is getting pretty close. though i do think you could add one dwarf gourami and you would be fine. I don't think you could add a comfortable amount of another schooling fish.

Good luck!
Tetras and other schooling fish have an organ called the lateral line that allows them to sense electricity (like bodies) in the water around them. It's how schools stay together. It's actually physically distressing for them to be separated from a school.
I love the combination, I love dwarf gouramis, i would rehome the rummynose and two algae eaters and get three dwarf gouramis
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