New 50 gal cichlid stocking.

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Big Ben

Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 16, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Hi, I just got a 50 gal and I'm going to be stocking within a week as my fishless cycle is going quite fast because I added some stuff from my current tank to it and put gravel from it as filter media in the emp 400.

I already know I want to add 1-2 Jack Dempseys, 1-2 Firemouths, 1 oscar and 2-4 convicts. I'm not sure what other types of cichlids would be suitable for this type of tank. I'm getting most of them young except for 2 female convicts and putting them all in at once. I'm including a pic of my aquarium, driftwood to be added soon. THe pic was taken b4 the other stuff was added stuff from my other tank.
My suggestion would be to add some plants, preferably live ones. You have a nice tank started there but its very bland. Live plants will help fill out the tank and provide a nice removal of nitrates and additional hiding places for fry and skiddish fish. That will help to reduce stress. Its looking good so far.
The oscar will get too big for that tank. The rest of your choices are going to fill that tank up. I don't think you need to or should add any other fish. It will be a very full tank and probably a lot of fun to watch.
I will be adding more decoration, but to my understanding plants will just get eaten or uprooted? I want to get some lava rock and driftwood.

I understand that an oscar would outgrow the tank eventually but I was planning on getting a younger one once it would reach 8-9 inches. There is alot of swimming room in the tank because the dimensions are different 36" wide, by 24" deep, by 13" high.

If this is a bad idea I'll skip the oscar. I may not add 2 jacks and 2 firemouths, depending if there are other kinds of cichlids that could live with them. Im definitely going to have 1 Jack, 1 Firemouth and 2 convicts.

Thanks again
I have raised ciclids in a 55gal tank and trust me when I say this if you get 2 Jacks they will kill everything in the tank if they decide to breed and will reach around 10" aswell. I went down this road when I first set my tank up and within a year my male Jack was 10" and the female was 8'. They literally killed all the fish once they started spawning. I got rid of my pair due to them out growing my tank. Jacks are natuarlly aggresive and the convicts might beat him up at first but he would get revenge later on. Goodluck with your tank, I bought my ciclids all when they where around 1/2" and just around a year they where huge and finding someone to take them will be hard when they do out grow your tank.
Wow I'll definitely take your advice on the Jack Dempseys. I forgot how aggressive fish get when spawning. I'm defnitely going to go with 1 fish per species. But what other species would be suitable? Severums?
Severums would be fine IMO. They are not that aggressive (unless breeding) but will hold their own.
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