New 90 gallen tanganikan tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 13, 2011
So I just got a 90 gallon tank and is cycling right now any any idea of what kind of tanganikan cichlids I should put in there I am pretty sure I want to get a pair of gold sex foxs and frontosas any suggestions
Frontosas are awesome... I'd love to have some but I want to keep plants. I heard the two don't mix.
I think they will do fine in,a 90 gallon its enough room I do need to take the gold sex fox out if they start breeding because they do g et violent
Guess people are not that into the tanganikan it because a lot of them are hiders?
As everyone prolly knows what I'm gonna say, but I'm gonna say it anyway....

Eh, to each their own. I never thought I'd want a tank of them, I was wrong. But there are tons if fishies out there just ripe for the pickin ;-)
I don't know much about the tangs other than I don't like a lot of them and luvins the frontosa! lol
ok 90 gallon tank you could have five bar cichlids pair, callochromis sand sifter are nice cyprichromis or cyps jumbos, tang killifish, a trio of featherfins ventralis, julidochromis for the rocks maybe a pair of lemon cichlids and pair of shell dwellers in one corner occelatus gold or multis or just a tropheus community would look nice if you fancy a pair of frontosa loose the cyps and the shell dwellers as they will be eaten when fronts get big possibilites are endless. whatever u choose enjoy these wonderful fish, go tangs!
A 90 isn't big enough for more than 1 front when they grow out, you really need a bigger tank and a group to keep them properly.
There are a few species of featherfins that will work in a 4' tank, and some of the smaller Cyp's or paracyp's as well, but the jumbo Cyp species need at least a 6' tank.
Tropheus are popular, and there's quite a variety of colors available, but they do best in a species tank.
Sexifasciatus are aggressive buggers, you wouldn't be able to keep much (if anything) more than a pair of those in a 90, though a single wouldn't be as likely to kill everything else.
Synodontis petricola or lucipinnis catfish are great in a group of 5 or more.
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