New Angel doens't like food

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 11, 2009
I just bought a new angel fish (thats pretty young, only about 3 inches tall) and it wont eat my food (Tetra Tropical flakes). I have another Angel that absolutely loves it, and the same goes with my other fish. The new Angel will put it in its mouth and just spit it back out.

Can anybody help me with this? I dont want it to die.
I would just contine to feed them your flakes, fish eventually realize that's the food they are going to be getting feed, and they should eat it. This is actually a common thing. Just keep feeding and that little guy will eventually eat.

Normally when fish take in food and spit it out, it means they are full. Something I learned from fishing over the years is that bass, bluegill, any type of fish even tropicals, are automaticly triggers to strike prey that looks dead, even if they are not hungrey. So i'm guessing your angel might just not be hungrey because of the move and is just spitting it back out because he is automaticly triggered too. Just relax and give it sometime.
What is the difference?

I was thinking of buying some Tetra microcrabs, or some Daphnia.
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