New Cherry Shrimp Tank

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Mar 14, 2013
Jenison MI
I have setup a 33 gallon that has been setup for some time with fish. I have removed all the fish except a like 5 tiny baby Bristlenose plecos. I added 10 cherry shrimp. I then topped of the tank with RO water. Is there anything else I can do to make them comfortable and get them to breed? Also is this tank to big for 10 shrimp? Thanks in advance for the help!
the tank isnt too big for the shrimp, soon you will have hundreds of them scattering the grave/sand. nothing else that you can do to make the comfy, they breed prolifically in my area
The only think I would have is live plant, if you don't already, especially moss. Mine love it in the main tank. I have a breeding tank with just gravel, a large bushy plastic plant and all the trimmings from my java moss from the main tank which are just stuffed into the plant. The plastic is hardly visible now and the shrimp are always in there.
I have live plants but no moss. Any idea of a good place to get some. My LFS sells it but it's cost like 3.99$ for a tiny lil bit.
Not much help to you because I'm in the UK. But I started with a kind donation from someone thinning their moss out. It doesn't take a lot to get going. I also resented paying a lot for a little - it was more the principle when you see how quickly it grows.
Ok any fertz needed to keep java moss healthy that you know of. I'm nervous about using fertilizers with shrimp.
No it will grow just can even grow with out very much light
Ok thank you for all your help. I bought some today. Now I just got to grow it out
So it's been a couple weeks now. And my shrimp are doing great. Started with 10 and still have 10 they seem to be doing very well using 50%RO with tap water to do water changes. I am not sure if I should be feeding them flakes daily or every other day or what. Right now it's every other day. No sign if babies either getting anxious to see some. How long should I have to wait for babies. Added some java moss and sagwasser or something spelled similar lol. All seems to be doing very well at this point
Hey! Post some photos we love to see new tanks, plus it will be easier to answer your question. Time to breed will be determined mainly by if you have a female ready to carry eggs succesfully. Check out the web to learn how to tell males from females (females are usually larger, brighter colours and have a saddle on their backs). If you have such a female she will eventually get some eggs in the segment between tail and legs which you will be able to see. After that if everything has gone to planned it should be 3-4 weeks to see the babies swimming around. But this is all of the top of my head, haven't bread RCS in a while. Hope ir helps!
Are you using the phone app or the web page? It should let you load, unless you have posted too many lately.
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