New Community Tank Suggestions

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 10, 2016
I'm in the process of planning a new 120 gallon aquarium and am looking to find compatible tankmates. So far, I'm set on getting a Clown Synodontis Catfish and 2 or 3 Rope Fish.

I plan on having about a third or more of the tank heavily planted and having plenty of caves and hiding spots. I'm also not against adding anything else that might be necessary for other fish.

My hope is to have fish in every strata of the tank - top, middle, and bottom. The Clown Syno and Ropes will occupy the the bottom, now I just need to fill the rest.

Can anyone recommend any middle or top swimmers that you've enjoyed? And won't become a meal for the rope fish or catfish? I would prefer diurnal fish, as the ropes and cat are nocturnal, but would also be open to more nocturnals.

How about angelfish? I think they would be ok with each other but have never kept ropefish if anyone says no though.
No experience with either of those fish, but I agree that Angels are good community fish that can hold their own if you buy them big. After that, I have a school of giant danios that are great, about 4in each and statistically some of the most active fish. Maybe gouramis too
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