New fish!!!!!!!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 1, 2013
Hi everyone I have a fish tank up and running with two Mickey Mouse Platys in it. Now I looking for new fish. What should I get?
Hi! What size tank? How long has it been set up? Is it fully cycled? What are the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate readings? More info would help. :)
Ok it is 10 gallons big and yes it is fully cycled and the guy at Petco said the water is fine. But my MM Platys just got over ich.
I wouldn't trust Petco advice. How long has the tank been set up? Most stores use strips to test which aren't accurate and what they think is "fine" often isnt'. I'd suggest that you get your own liquid test kit. This link might help: Guide to Starting a Freshwater Aquarium - Aquarium Advice
and I just learned about cycling but I already have fish. What now?! - Aquarium Advice

Unfortunately you don't have too many options for a 10 gal with 2 platys already. And I definitely wouldn't add anything else until you can get your own test kit and see what the water reads. It probably isn't fully cycled yet.

You could maybe do 6 nano fish like ember tetra, chili rasbora or celestial pearl danio. unfortunately they aren't' easy to find locally though. Most other tetras, rasboras and danios, though small, are too active or large for a 10 gal (like neons or glowfish).

Or you could add some shrimp as they are fun to watch.

You could visit some local stores, see what you like (don't let them sell you anything) and then research those fish and ask here for advice on whether they would be suitable. Again though I wouldn't add anything else until you can get a good test kit and read the links above on cycling.
Ok it is 10 gallons big and yes it is fully cycled and the guy at Petco said the water is fine. But my MM Platys just got over ich.

How long has it been running? This still hasn't been answered yet.
It has been running since dec. 27.

Im sorry but I do not see how you are cycled. I did a fish in cycle on a 10g with two platys, it took mine 2 months to fully cycle. How many water changes have you done?
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