New landscaping

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 12, 2011
Today I added the slate cave I made to my tank and rearranged some of the plants. Here is a before and after pics. What do you think?


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2 angels, 1 pictus, 2 striped Raphael, 1 bristlenose Pleco, 1 albino bristlenose Pleco, and 1 bala shark.
That is a substantial center piece. Is it real?
Yes it is real. I got it from my local river while on a 3 day canoeing trip. I had to it it down a little to get it to fit in the tank
Looks very nice!

The one thing i would change would be the fake house. I only use natural things so its just my personal opinion. :)
I like the natural look too but I dont mind the house cause it's natural colored and doesn't stand out. I use to have a ton of wisteria around it so it looked like it was a house hidden in a jungle.
Do you know a good grass that I could put there. Something that doesn't get too tall preferably.
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