New military wife

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 1, 2009
Yorktown, VA
Hi everyone!

Call me Lucy,
My husband is Air Force at Langley AFB and we live in Yorktown. We have no kids but what we do have is a spoiled Pug, a Koi pond and a 8 month old Great Dane.

I've always wanted a salt water tank but my husbands rule has always been "You get it, you maintain it!"
Well after 11 years I figured he probably wasn't going to change his mind and do any water changes for me so I'm on my own:p

I have a 75 gallon tank I just set up and I've been reading so much I get headaches now. Please forgive my stupid questions. I'll try real hard to research first promise;)
Welcome, and from one vet to another tell your husband thank you.

Salt is nice, Ive only kept one and well that tank was funded by combat pay in the US Army. funding ran out so did the tank. You will get some great help around here with your salty questions.

Your husband sounds like my wife.
What direction or what fish are catching your eye?

saltwater is a complete 180 from freshwater as far as livestock goes and their temperaments.
hello Lucy and welcome to AA.:wave:
Don't worry; you're not on your own here.
you'll always get a smart answer for your stupid questions. lol :clown:
really dont think any of your questions will be stupid and dont worry about asking questions you might think are stupid because it can cost you or your fish and none of us here want that.
I'm looking for docile fish but not skittish fish. Remember I have a Great Dane (Apollo) and he will be looking at them I'm sure.
I have the tank empty now so he is used to it but the fish will catch his attention and he will investigate so I don't want a fish that will frighten easily. Are there such SW fish?

He will not be left alone with the tank ever. He's got a crate when I'm gone
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