New tank, cycling, etc

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 12, 2013
South Carolina
Hey, I just bought a 15g column tank. I was wondering what fish I should put in it and such. I've done a lot of research but there are so many opinions and none are exact to my situation. So I would like to get 5 neon tetras, a beta, and eventually an algae eater. Thoughts on other fish or different combinations? All thoughts appreciated since this in my first tank in 10-15 years.
Hello and welcome to AA to get started neons do better in a longer tank than in a column but if your set on neons 6-8 should be good a betta will love the space as for algae eater for that size otocinclus would be your best bet but tank needs to be well established here is a couple links to help
Other thoughts

I was also toying around with haivng a semi-aggressive tank with green tiger barbs and such. What would a good assortment be for them? Also, could you guys give me a few fish that are colorful and could be the fish I use to cycle with? I read alot about fish-in cycling and think I'm going that route. Thanks everyone
I was also toying around with haivng a semi-aggressive tank with green tiger barbs and such. What would a good assortment be for them? Also, could you guys give me a few fish that are colorful and could be the fish I use to cycle with? I read alot about fish-in cycling and think I'm going that route. Thanks everyone

I would avoid a fish in cycle its easier to do fishless and faster but remember if you do fish in youll need hardy fish like danios but if your not wanting to keep them when done then do a fishless cycle
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