New Tank.. Hopefully

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 23, 2010
Okinawa, Japan
So for our anniversary my wife is "getting" me a new aquarium. I don't want anything too big, as in would like to stay in the 30-45gal range. I have been on but tanks that size don't show options like stands and black backing or starfire glass??? jw if that was an option as those would be nice. Other than there I like the Redsea 130d here Red Sea MAX 130D | Specification
Does anyone have/had this tank that would like to express an opinion on it? Or thoughts in general about it.
We will be moving to Japan for the next three years, but I want to start a marine aquarium. If the redsea(or comparable) is the one I get I'll most likely be able to start right away-or at least when we arrive in Japan. If I just get a tank and Cabinet from glasscages(or elsewhere) I will probably be able to buy piece by piece over the next 3 yrs and put it together when we move then.

thanks guys/ and girls
Confused. You getting the tank soon and setting it up in 3 years? Or getting it and setting it up soon and moving it in three years?
we move this april to Japan and will most likely move again in 3 yrs to who knows where.
yes, since it takes several weeks to cycle. That must be done before i can even put fish in it and that would leave me with nearly no time before we have to take it down and give the fish away I think that's the best option. Plus I can use the months ahead to plan and research what I want.
why not wait to get it till once you move there. you'll be at risk of the tanks breaking in transport.

take the time to research then invest, look for deals on smaller parts liek the filtration and what not
that is exactly what i'm trying to do... I have a tank I would liek and would like opinions on it. The tank i like is in a link in my first post!!! and i would like to know if it is a decent one or if I would be better off continuing my search.

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