New tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 14, 2013
Ok I just bought a 90 gal tank yesterday. The bigest I've ever had was 30 gal. I currently have guppies and Molly's. my ? Is what do I put in a 90 gal tank so it don't look mt ... Open to all ideas. It came with all stuff for salt water set up however I'm not sure if I have time for that. And can u put sand in a freshwater tank or is it best to use rocks.
Duh! Just got it :) driftwood and plants and rocks! I love driftwood tho the bigger the better
You have a large tank so you have alot of options. It really depends on what fish you really want then base remaining on compatibility.
I was thinking tropical fish. However I love the guppies and Molly's however there not aggressive so I'm assuming u can't put an aggressive fish in a tank. The only fish I've messed with the past few yrs have been just guppies and Molly's so if I were to change it up I guess I'd need to learn alittle more about some other types of fish
A excellent type of fish for a 90 gallon aquarium would be African chchlids GOOD LUCK
A friend of mine has a 90 gal African Cichlid tank and it's beautiful. Just make sure you don't mix the Africans with the S. Americans. (I think that's what they are) I have a 55 gal community tank. You're guppies and mollies would be OK in a community tank IMO. I try not to get troublemakers but sometimes a couple of mine get a tad aggressive with other fish. I have gouramis, eartheaters, tetras, a green severum, a pleco, and a striped rafael catfish. One of the gouramis is a Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami and he's probably the most colorful fish in the tank. There are some beautiful freshwater fish out there. You just have to decide what kind of tank you want. Plus, I agree with MKCKEE, sand is great! My fish love it!
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