Newbie at aquascaping, new tank... Help?

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brandi17201 said:
Ok so here I have cut them and moved them to the corner....its cloudy because I stirred things up and bit and changed some of my water while I was in there...I have a liquid plant often can I add that to the tank?

Looks good what kinda fert is it
Here is the fert I have


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Ok will do, it says on the bottle one capfull but does not explain how often and I tried researching it and found nothing
brandi17201 said:
Ok will do, it says on the bottle one capfull but does not explain how often and I tried researching it and found nothing

Yeah how it works with mine is one cap full does 55g I do it with freah water it does better I think
Ok thanks....I am loving learning about all the plants and the do's and dont' you know if buying plants on ebay is a good idea?
brandi17201 said:
Ok thanks....I am loving learning about all the plants and the do's and dont' you know if buying plants on ebay is a good idea?

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Thanks I registered to that site. Seems like a nice site but I can't find any grass for the bottom of my tank anywhere
Well all of a sudden my tiger barb has discoloration on its stripes...almost a green blue color...any idea what's up?
Someone told me its because alot of the gravel got stirred I changed half of the water and added dechlorinator
I lost my test chart to see what my levels are so I have been trying to find a good chart online to go by...looks like my ph is between 6.5-7.00
Well my tank is looking so much better now...I picked out some plants today to put in my tank. I just have to order them and place them...stay tuned...


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Thanks...and good luck I hope you don't have the algae problems I did at the beginning...I bought a plant and turns out it was not supposed to be aquatic and caused me to have lots of algae...
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