Newbie Mistake

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 16, 2011
First off Jmedic25 thanks for referring me to the Newbie Pitfall thread. I should have read this before the hundreds of dollars I've already invested. It seems like the two things I've missed are the most important, cycling and a test kit. I took the LFS word for it and bought fish and a 55 gal the same day. I did transfer the water from my 20 gal to my 55 transferring the bacteria. My water is at a constant 78 degrees and I do 20% PWC every week. I have 9 african cichlids and 4 live plants in there. I have had the tank for a month and one fish is missing I assume it is dead. This week I added 4 fish to it making the total 9 and my pleco makes 10. All my fish seem healthy and fully colored. Like everything else I do I jumped in head first without researching until after the fact. I just put too much trust in my LFS thinking them the "experts" I sell paint for a living. When that "guy" comes in every winter and tries to buy an exterior product, I always try and talk them out of it. I can make a quick buck and never turn back. I consider myself an expert and gaining the customer's loyalty through quality advise and service is more valuable then 1 gal of 36 dollar deck stain. I feel cheated and mislead. Is there anything else you guys would recommend me do to ensure my fish survive my blunder?
Update: I bought a test kit and my PH 8.2, Amm. 0.25ppm, nitrIte 0.0ppm, nitrAte 40ppm
9 affys arent too much for a 55. but yes Dragon is very right about detoxifying the tank.

what fish exactly do u have? x

Going by the fact that most people get the "mixed africans" and a common pleco, then yes, 10 fish all together would be too much. The "mixed" as you know usually contain kenyi, RZ, labs, all of which can reach the 4-6 inch mark. Then the common pleco can get upwards of 24 inches.
I'm just a newbie, but, if i grasp you situation correctly (unproper cycle, high ammonia and nitrite), maybe you could get a bottle of nitrifier bacteria. I have "Cycle" from nutrafin. It says it reduces fish loss, by introducing massive amounts of beneficial bacteria, which works to eliminate ammonia and nitrate.
Unfortunately, newbie fish keeping is somewhat trial and error :-(

I've got 16 mbuna in my 55 and have no issues. I do my weekly water changes and have plenty of filtration.

The one thing I can tell you for sure, NEVER listen to the lfs. For the most part they don't know what they're talking about. I'm the one you find standing guard over a fish while on my phone trying to learn about it!
@"Never listen to LFS"

For Right now i'm battling an algae problem with my planted tank. (Too much light, nutrients, maybe not enought co2). So i go to the pet store and told them my situation, maybe i can get an oto or 2. They told me "well, I don't see why you have lights on in the tank at all. Lights are just purely asthetical. Your plants and fish will do just fine with no lights at all".
...and just for future knowledge, the beneficial bacteri is not in the water itself. Transferring water from your 20 gallon to your 55 gallon did very little good. The vast majority of the bacteria are in your filter and gravel. Did you transfer the filter? Because that would have been helpful.
Hello! Despite the mistakes, if most of your fish are still alive after a month, I don't think you should beat yourself up too much about it :)

TMills27 said:
I don't see why you have lights on in the tank at all. Lights are just purely asthetical. Your plants and fish will do just fine with no lights at all".

Is that the punchline to a bad joke? Just when you think you've heard everything, you hear something like that!
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