Ocellaris Clownfish Tank Mates

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 24, 2011
Northern California
I have recently jumped into the wonderful world of Saltwater Fish tanks and as my tank is becoming more and more complete, beginning my preparation to add fish. I know for sure that i want a pair of Ocellaris Clownfish and i'm curious as to what make good tank mates for them. Any suggestions are much appreciated. OH! and my Tank is a 55 gallon! Thanks!
Ha well it really just depends what you like. You could do a dwarf angel in the different pseudos you can do. Blennies. Or gobies. Chromis. Firefish. Pipe fish
Yea if you go reef tank then you will be more limited in choice.. you can always go reef later just choice now for later.
freppy16 said:
I have recently jumped into the wonderful world of Saltwater Fish tanks and as my tank is becoming more and more complete, beginning my preparation to add fish. I know for sure that i want a pair of Ocellaris Clownfish and i'm curious as to what make good tank mates for them. Any suggestions are much appreciated. OH! and my Tank is a 55 gallon! Thanks!

I have a starry blenny with mine. Great tank mates..
I plan to add coral later and I have a bangai cardinal, red firefish, and royal gramma with mine. They all get along great in my 40 breeder.
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