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CorallineAlgae said:
Oh, here it goes! I can already see how this is gonna end... It starts with one coral in a mini-reef and before long you'll have that tank so filled with corals they'll be growing on the glass! Then... you'll get another tank and in a few years you'll have a giant reef so full of stuff you'll be the one giving me advice and selling coral! Yep, that's how this hobby works. Pretty amazing really. :)

Hey! I never said I was only going to do ONE coral lol just for now... but yeah all kidding aside.. my gf doesn't know what she's in for ;)
Great deal, but poor timing :/ adding too many fish too fast is a recipe for disaster, but that is a great deal so i dont blame you. Lol just dont add any more fish for a really long time
Nu-Nu the eel said:
Great deal, but poor timing :/ adding too many fish too fast is a recipe for disaster, but that is a great deal so i dont blame you. Lol just dont add any more fish for a really long time

Dont plan on it lol but I really couldn't resist :)
DanS180 said:
Ok I know I'm gonna get yelled at but I couldn't resist... just got a firefish for $5 :)

Sweet deal!! Post a pic soon. I think if you keep an eye out for ammonia/nitrite spikes you should be ok. Be vigilant!
Bearchumjs said:
Sweet deal!! Post a pic soon. I think if you keep an eye out for ammonia/nitrite spikes you should be ok. Be vigilant!

I'll be sure to be on top of the parameters :) and I'll post a pic as soon as he comes out of hiding lol
He won't come out :/ when he does, he's out for like 2 seconds then darts back in the caves... guess I'll wait n see tomorrow, let him settle in...

Btw just a curious question, can corals cause spikes just like fish do?
DanS180 said:
He won't come out :/ when he does, he's out for like 2 seconds then darts back in the caves... guess I'll wait n see tomorrow, let him settle in...

Btw just a curious question, can corals cause spikes just like fish do?

Mine never came out much either for awhile. Now he is out more. Yes corals can but usually only if you add a lot to fast. The don't really add to the bio load much. So a few at a time is ok
22engine said:
Mine never came out much either for awhile. Now he is out more. Yes corals can but usually only if you add a lot to fast. The don't really add to the bio load much. So a few at a time is ok

Yeah I was just curious about that bc they ARE alive so I wasn't sure lol and hopefully mine comes out soon :)
Anyways, I get paid on Thursday and I think I'm gonna replace my HOB with the skilter 250.

When I replace the filter, should I move the filter pad from the old filter to the new one??
DanS180 said:
Anyways, I get paid on Thursday and I think I'm gonna replace my HOB with the skilter 250.

When I replace the filter, should I move the filter pad from the old filter to the new one??

Yes, though you may want to run both filters for a while before you transfer the pad. Remember, you'll want an air pump and a couple of very fine air stones to use with that filter. It has a venturi feature but it's noisy as all get out. Besides, it'll skim much better with the air pump (and run quietly).

Nice deal on the firefish. Time to mix up some "just in case" saltwater. lol
CorallineAlgae said:
Yes, though you may want to run both filters for a while before you transfer the pad. Remember, you'll want an air pump and a couple of very fine air stones to use with that filter. It has a venturi feature but it's noisy as all get out. Besides, it'll skim much better with the air pump (and run quietly).

Nice deal on the firefish. Time to mix up some "just in case" saltwater. lol

Okay I'm a lil confused as to HOW you'd use the air stones? Its just not registering for me lol and thanks I know, like I said I just couldn't help myself ;)
can you link me to this filter
kinda interested to see how it works
it's a hob filter/skimmer?
scottayy said:
can you link me to this filter
kinda interested to see how it works
it's a hob filter/skimmer?

Ive never seen it work either so I'm curious as well.. but yeah its a HOB with a built in protein Skimmer :) pretty nifty
DanS180 said:
Ive never seen it work either so I'm curious as well.. but yeah its a HOB with a built in protein Skimmer :) pretty nifty

I've used them on 3 different mini-reefs from 10-30 gallons. It's a power filter with a built in skimmer. The way the skimmer runs from the filter is a joke (and the reason it isn't more popular). You have to run the filter like a normal power filter and the skimmer like an air driven skimmer to use it at it's full potential.

It's incredibly simple to set it up but you really need to see it to understand how it works. Basically, all you do is run an airstone from the underside of the skimmer tube into the tube. That way, the pump of the filter only has to pump water, just like a regular power filter, and the air pump and stone handle the skimming. You get normal mechanical and chemical filtration as well as protein skimming all from one unit.
CorallineAlgae said:
I've used them on 3 different mini-reefs from 10-30 gallons. It's a power filter with a built in skimmer. The way the skimmer runs from the filter is a joke (and the reason it isn't more popular). You have to run the filter like a normal power filter and the skimmer like an air driven skimmer to use it at it's full potential.

It's incredibly simple to set it up but you really need to see it to understand how it works. Basically, all you do is run an airstone from the underside of the skimmer tube into the tube. That way, the pump of the filter only has to pump water, just like a regular power filter, and the air pump and stone handle the skimming. You get normal mechanical and chemical filtration as well as protein skimming all from one unit.

Oh okay so you would just position the air stone under the skimmer intake and that's it??
I have a question off topic but is it better for corals to have an open top tank? And would a glass top be okay to have?? I have a kitten that's oh so very curious lol
DanS180 said:
I have a question off topic but is it better for corals to have an open top tank? And would a glass top be okay to have?? I have a kitten that's oh so very curious lol

It's the light that matters. The difference between open and covered is oxygen exchange. If its covered you need to make sure you have better surface agitation.
22engine said:
It's the light that matters. The difference between open and covered is oxygen exchange. If its covered you need to make sure you have better surface agitation.

So I guess I'm goin to need a powerhead after all
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