One of my cichlids wont stop chasing the other?

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Cichlid city

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 15, 2013
I just recently cycled my tank and got it ready so I decided to buy 2 African cichlids from petsmart that look health so I bought them but the bigger one I have won't stop chasing the other one and it seems the like the smaller one doesn't eat as much because he is being chased around
Need to know more about the tank size, type of cichlids.

I am not very familiar with old world cichlids, but I do know they need space and over stocking to spread aggression is a common practice.
It is common for them to chase especially at a young age. Aggression is apart of their nature so it's bound t happen. Just watch to make sure things don or get to ruff. Only having two more than likely isn't going to work, your going to need to add a ton more. I try to recommend adding in groups of 5. Here is a link that should help you with toxins stuff.
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