Oranda eggs!!!

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Your mom is beautiful!! Dad needs some tlc and fattening up but he should be an attractive fish once nursed back to health!

The best advice I can offer on culling is start as soon as they are free swimming. Do NOT doubt yourself in the process or overthink it- cull, cull and cull some more. It is one million times easier to do this now when they are the size of hairs then 30 days from now when they have fins and fat tummies. Three months from now, they will each have distinct personalities making the culling process a zillion times more difficult. It's a very hard thing to do but a necessary evil. Professional breeders will usually only wind up with 1-3 fish out of an entire spawn to give you a better idea! Hobbiest breeders (such as myself) usually keep a few more but ten is my about my limit (always a few exceptions!)but five is preferred. :)

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Haha yeah! I am only planning on keeping 3-5 of the best looking ones for future breeding :) in some was i have started culling.. I had to get rid of about 10 (i know its not much) that sadly didn't hatch properly an some had broken spines and that was saddening. I have noticed some that have some small swimming issues but i though i'd just leave them.

When culling takes place i have to get rid of the fish right? I wouldn't keep them in a separate tank or anything??

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Culling, yes, is (for lack of a better word), disposing of the unwanted fish. Sounds really awful but it's the humane decision and our responsibility as owners/breeders. Humane euthanasia is a reasonable option as is feeding them to your other fish (I feed many, many fry to the parents and other fancies). Once they become larger, euthanasia is the best option.

Here's my tips for early culling. Start with a small shallow white bowl and slowly work through small groups of fry. A magnifying glass helps! Remove unhatched and/or very obviously deformed fish. Observe fish very closely once free swimming and eating. Remove anyone that can not swim. Remove anyone that has a curved or bent or odd or 's' shaped spine. Spinal deformities do not go away- they only become worse and more horrific as the fish grows. These deformities are common and should help to reduce your fry by half (or more) easily. Remove any fry that are obviously very undersized in comparison to its siblings (runts).

If you go through your fry every day (once free swimming) for a week (easiest to do during a wc), you should be able to significantly bring the population under control. Then continue to observe daily for any problems. You should see tail development (single tail) at about a week. And continue to cull! Please ask any questions! :)

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Okay :) i will definitely do that :) i am just saying but after observing most of all the fry and they are looking very good but i guess and i am expecting to eventually start noticing the fry the stick out like some fry are a whiter colour than the others??? Guessing they are the younger fish? Haha i will figure it out and i will start culling tomorrow :)

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Don't worry about color! They will all be about the same color from about a week on until awhile later. Watching a zillion fry at once is impossible so dividing them into small groups for observation really helps! It honestly takes hours to sort through and observe everyone each day but it will result in the best and healthiest fry. Take your time and do not second guess your decisions! :)

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My home tank with all 5 adult goldfish is 60 gallons. My tub with fry is 40 gallons. My smaller tub is 20 gallons and i have a super delta betta in a 15 gallon :)

I am going to put the adults inside of the smaller tubs and the fry in the 60 gallon once the fry have grown big enough to fight the current in the big tank :)

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Thank you! I am about to give the fry there first meal :) Once i removed the plants i now know there are about 500-1000 fry. Please just be aware i am only young and this is my first time getting this far in breeding any fish! I will start culling when i feel comfortable and obviously i don't really know what looks great and what doesn't. I am scared i will throw away good fish. This is a learning thing for me haha.

I have got a spare 20 gal i will use for more fry and i have a big 60 gal tank i will put the fry in when they are big enough :)

Photos are the parents by the way :)
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Please note that the dad i know isn't in too good of a condition but i ordered him from a pet store and he must have gotten a bit beat up on his way to my place :| he is still a beautiful fish though!!!

Dad is chocolate oranda
Mum is red &white oranda.

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Those parents r gonna make cute babies!! Where did u buy them??

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I bought them from a store called animal antics :) they live quite far from me though so they allowed shipping to me :)

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Don't worry about color! They will all be about the same color from about a week on until awhile later. Watching a zillion fry at once is impossible so dividing them into small groups for observation really helps! It honestly takes hours to sort through and observe everyone each day but it will result in the best and healthiest fry. Take your time and do not second guess your decisions! :)

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Today i came home from school and i culled at least 20 which i know isn't much but i am absolutely tired from being overwhelmed with everything that as happened these past few days. I was finding it difficult to go through the fry to find really great ones. However i am pretty sure i scooped up most of the really dramatically deformed fry so thats good :) btw i have noticed alot that i have culled so far have floaty issues and also have problems with their eyes? For example one eye would be normal but the other would be missing or extremely small? I still see most of them are normal but there are some exceptions :|

I am going to cull everyday for awhile though and i think that every little bit counts haha.

Also just another question. I have noticed a lot of people start doing more culling when fry develop their fins. Did this happen to you as well? When my fry do develop there tails. what exactly should i look for?

Thank you!

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I mean fins and tails btw haha :)

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Has anyone ever tried "hand breeding" orandas?


I think that if you want to get them to breed, do it naturally. Squeezing them until the sperm and egg spurts out of them is just cruel...

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Yes, i agree. I strongly believe that natural breeding is the best way to go because the pair actually want to and you are not forcing or hurting the fish. Plus, from my experience it is a cool feeling when your fish do everything on there own (except raising the fry of course).

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I mean fins and tails btw haha :)

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They go through kind of an odd transitional phase between @7-15 days after hatching. Initially, they will appear to all have single. 'tails' (lumps) but then the tails will form into double tails. If there are still fish that have single tails while their brothers and sisters have double tails, the single tails should be culled. Fins should all be evenly paired except dorsal fins (singular fins/missing fins are culls as well). And,yes, it's a ton of work! Keep up the good job!!!

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Okay just another quick update!!

The fry are now 1 week old!! I am just going to say i may have exaggerated the last estimate because there were ALOT of fry but it turns out there is actually only 200-300 fry MAX.

They are all free swimming and eating too. They love the BBS and they are actually eating a bit of algae in there tub too.

I have done small culls so far too which were the dramatically deformed fry.

And here is some pictures of the week old fry :)

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Its just algae :) the red/orange areas are just the weels on the tub :)

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Wow!! There is loads!! Maybe you should start culling more, but how your doing it is fine (just when you start to like the deformed ones because they have personalities it can be a lot harder to cull them) :( :)

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I can't imagine having to cull anything! How do you do cull them? Do you Chop them up, shock them, suffocate them? I can't even a squish a big without feeling bad! Looks like I'll never be a good breeder! Do you plan to sell them on this forum? I'm sure lots of people would love to have one!

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