Orange crayfish growth rate

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 12, 2012
How fast do orange crayfish grow? I have read that the non dwarfs can hit 6 inches. However, one source says 6 years, another says 4 months, etc.

Anyone with experience have suggestions? If I get baby's how quick will they grow?
I have read that they live for about 3+ years.The rate of growth varies depending on the environment. If they are getting enough oxygen, food , etc. This is only the information that I have read on the net. Oh and I have also read that they can get about 5 to 6 inches long. I guess we have read the same information.
I used to have blue and red ones they're really cool I heard from someone that adding iodine to the water makes them grow faster but research it first as I'm not sure about that.
I am trying to find out if there is some sort of food that will make them grow faster.
I fed mine carnivore pellets and shrimp pellets and they seemed to molt pretty quickly they did it like twice a month for the first couple of months
Thanks for the information , I will purchase some Borneo Wild Growth and Carnivore pellets. I already have shrimp pellets. It will be interesting to see if this works. I will feed them one thing one month, then the other the next and after I will mix it. I will take pics and keep and close watch to see if any one thing makes them grow more then the other.
The only other factor is maybe the temp of the tank but I don't know what range they are comfortable in google it then u could slowly raise the temp to the high end of their comfort range that might increase their metabolism and get them to grow faster
cavnoe said:
Thanks for the information , I will purchase some Borneo Wild Growth and Carnivore pellets. I already have shrimp pellets. It will be interesting to see if this works. I will feed them one thing one month, then the other the next and after I will mix it. I will take pics and keep and close watch to see if any one thing makes them grow more then the other.

Sounds like a really cool experiment!! Keep us updated! :D
I will let you know how it goes. I am looking for the food right now. The website you gave me seems to charge more then some of the others. I will buy in bulk cause my cherry shrimp like to eat the crayfish food as well.
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