oscar not aggressive at all

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I have noticed that I just don't like Africans. IMO they are just a flashy cichlid I could do a community tank and get the same affect ya know.

If I'm gonna get cichlids their going to be personable large new worlds lol.
I have noticed that I just don't like Africans. IMO they are just a flashy cichlid I could do a community tank and get the same affect ya know.

If I'm gonna get cichlids their going to be personable large new worlds lol.

Right! All you need is a wayyy bigger tank lol. And they all look the same to me anyway. People come over and they're like omg that fish is huge (my 7 in Oscar) and all I can say haha you don't even know...
Exactly to me the larger new world are just so much better larger and i think hand feeding is awesome!
Wow their african cichlids are awesome they are not just some colorful fish sure they are not as personable as the American cichlids but they are sure as heck still highly intelligent fish!
It's just my opinion they don't interest me is all and I feel like they aren't near as smart as new worlds. I wasn't intending on offending anyone it's just my opinion. If I offend someone with my opinion that is their problem.
Agree with Josh about new world being more interesting than the African Rifts, if not as colourful. Also agree on the featherfin being a good choice with the Oscar, but not sure about Oscar eating the Pictus cats as they get to 6 inch and are fast and boisterous. Personally i think they would be ok, although featherfin would be better choice.
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