Parrot Cichlids

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 30, 2013
Mt. Pleasant Mi
So I have 3 blood parrots, one is about 7 months and the others are 4.
I had them housed in a 55 with 8 cory cats and a sailfin pleco and they were amazing. I love them.
But then i moved 15 mins north and got a 65 gallon about a month ago and now they are afraid of me... I am slowly coaxing them out by spending alot of time by the tank, but its a very slow process. I was wondering if anyone had some suggestions?

i have a magnum 350 canister (ancient), a fluval hob rated for like 70 gallons i think, a sponge filter connected to a power head, and my parameter are near perfect.

Thanks in advance :)
I have some pics..
I forgot to mention i added one brichardi cichlid for my girlfriend. (last pic) i found they can be quite aggressive.. but hes tiny right now.

They used to follow my every move, craving attention.
Now this


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Two suggestions that would help, first I'd add a black background on the tank as this helps fish relax due to a feeling of security. The next step would be adding a small school of dither fish such as buenes aires tetras, this will allow the fish to see its safe to comfortably cruise around the tank.
Off topic, that it real? That is sweet.

I would say just give them some time, and keep the lights on a regular schedule, so they don't get spooked. Some dither fish like tetras of danios could help, but I don't know if I would try that unless their hiding persists for a while.
Yea, getting some dithers was my next step.. I was thinking maybe some rams too? There are some gorgeous rams out there.
I will definitely get a background asap.

And no that driftwood is fake. Got it from petsmart on sale :)
My BP has always been that way..he'll only come out every now and then..otherwise he is really shy. But if any other fish is in his spots he is really aggressive. I have in a 10 gallon by himself for right now but he is only about 2" to 3" max.
Hes probably so pissy cuz he is in that tiny aquarium.. The very minimum is supposed to be 30. Lol
Hes probably so pissy cuz he is in that tiny aquarium.. The very minimum is supposed to be 30. Lol

I know..he was in a 40 breeder but was too aggressive. Thus why he is temporary in there.
Okay good. None of mine are aggressive but one of my friends bought one and she said hes aggressive too so must just depend.
My bp was one of my first fish. Hes always been very friendly and follows me along the front glass. A few weeks ago I moved him to a 30 temporarily while I switched my gravel to sand. And after moving him back he was shy and a hider! Must have just been stress? It took awhile but now hes the same old fish again. Hes actually the only one I call by name-mr. Personality. I currently have two but it took awhile to get the right match. He was being bullied by the first two I tried and I had to return them...
Yea ive heard of aggressive ones but never seen it. Theyre just to cute i think to be mean. All 3 of mine have to follow each other around constantly..when they are out that is.
Yea ive heard of aggressive ones but never seen it. Theyre just to cute i think to be mean. All 3 of mine have to follow each other around constantly..when they are out that is.

Not too cute, too deformed...they can't close their mouths fully due to the deformities brought on by hybridization. Many cichlids (including the species believed to have created the bp) are on the more aggressive end of the scale, but they have regular mouths used to defend, or attack others. Most BPs have to resort to ramming or chasing to show their aggression
Yea i know what its from lol. Doesnt mean its not cute.
Its the dyed fish that upset me. My lfs is selling them and they just look in pain and sad
My guy is one the smartest fish I have ever had. I got him with quite alot of black on him and he is almost all light orange now. He has the most personality of any fish I have had.
My guy is one the smartest fish I have ever had. I got him with quite alot of black on him and he is almost all light orange now. He has the most personality of any fish I have had.

Have to agree parrots are my favorites by far.
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