PEACOCK EEL jumped out of tank!!!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 1, 2004
Help, he must have been out for about an hour and I gently put him back in the tank, but hes's just staying still and breathing heavy, he also has carpet fragments on him ....what should I do or is he doomed?
Him breathing is a good sign. There is not much you can really do. I would cut the lights off to cut down on the strees as much as possible. Sorry to hear. I hope it makes it. :(
If this happens again, I'd rinse him off first..

As far as I know all you can do is cut down on the lights, like rev suggested, and hope for the best. Sometimes fish have a way of surprising us and just, well, not dying.
I hope he pulls through. I think the fact that he made it through the night might be a good sign, but I don't want to get your hopes up because you never know with fish. Keep us posted!!
I agree ith all above....keep his stress-levels down for the next couple of days....feed sparingly on the second day. Spiny eels are notorius for such escapes, and having a secure top with no gaps is essential.
oh geesh.... I have a peacock too and he is my fav. I would cry if anything happened to him. Good luck, they seem like pretty hardy fish.

Funny Story...
I had a Ick outbreak and he was the only one that didnt have spots on him, I put him in my 10 gal and then treated the big tank. about three or four days later I couldnt find him in the ten gal and searched for about a week. I fineally gave up and thought I had killed him by the move. I searched all around the tank looking for a dried up squiggle, tore the tank apart... did my water change and still NOTHING!!! two days after the water change I cleaned the filter (HOB) He was IN the filter... doing just fine living in the resivore where the water is poured out... geesh and I thought I was doing so good with having all the holes covered with saran wrap and all. I put him back in the tank just to watch him crawl back up the "water fall" back into the filter. He liked living in the filter, guess because it was dark??? well after Ick treatment was over he went back in big tank to his cave.
I would also start adding maybe something like stresscoat?? something to help his slimecoat... and go ahead and get some of the ick guard for scaless fish now, with him being damaged like that he'll surely come down with it. Fishey prayers to your peacock eel
I've heard stress coat isn't a good thing to use because it irratates their "skin" to make it produce more slime which only causes them more stress.
oh wow.... I didnt know that... geesh... Im so sorry.... :oops:
The last thing I would want to do is cause more stress, but wouldnt we want to promote more slime coat to help fight off infection anyways? Or would it be better to let them produce their own slime coat?
sorry Im still learning....
Try one of the slime-coat enhancers with added aloe extracts. I would not prophylactically treat for will probably do more harm than good.
Well surprisingly he's doing GREAT!!!! I was really worried, I kept the lights off all day and later at night he was moving around and breathing normally, I've checked him out and I can't find a scrape on him at all!!!, WOW he's a tough cookie. He is eating normally and I have covered the space where the filter is at. His new name is Hudini!!! Thanks for the reponse you all :p

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