Ph @ 7.6. Should I worry.

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 19, 2013
St. Augustine, FL
So I have been testing my water and I noticed my Ph is at 7.6 Should I worry with the fish I have or should I leave it? I was planning on getting driftwood here soon as decor. but Now I am wondering if it would better help. In my tank is my betta, a red tail, 5 red plattys, a rope fish, and 5 guppies.
Okay good, the Nitrates are under 10 So I was worried. I put PH 7.0 in but i doubt it will lower it any since it was 2 packages (good for 20gal) and I have a 55 gal, (i didnt know when i bought them). I was trying to figure out why my rope fish is being so anti social when he was fine at the LFS.
Okay good, the Nitrates are under 10 So I was worried. I put PH 7.0 in but i doubt it will lower it any since it was 2 packages (good for 20gal) and I have a 55 gal, (i didnt know when i bought them). I was trying to figure out why my rope fish is being so anti social when he was fine at the LFS.

I hear you can just squirt in some lemon juice to bring it down.
I hear you can just squirt in some lemon juice to bring it down.

This is not a generally accepted practice. In fact, I've never heard of it before.

The vast majority of fish can adapt to a pH range of 6.5ish to 8ish and higher.
This is not a generally accepted practice. In fact, I've never heard of it before.

The vast majority of fish can adapt to a pH range of 6.5ish to 8ish and higher.

Yep? I don't see why it wouldn't be safe though, it's adding a natural acid.

I've only heard of it a couple times.

I think I'm gonna look it up.
Ok I looked it up, it will work, but it tends to foul your water.

I'd probably just wait and get the buffer, or change your water source.
I think I am just going to get the drift wood and let that play its role. If that doesnt help I know at least my fish will be alright. I will keep an eye on it anyways afterwards
Unless your breeding soft water fish or trying to keep something notoriously picking about water conditions, there's really no reason to meddle with your pH. If you do need to lower it, natural methods like peat or indian almond leaves is preferred, plus or minus RODI.
I have nothing special that I am looking to do with the tank. Thank you for the imput, I bought the API Ph Kit, so I will check it every now and then. I am glad it will be okay, I am worried about my rope fish since he isnt the same since i brought him home. I am thinking about taking him back since he doesnt seem to be comfortable in my tank.
I have nothing special that I am looking to do with the tank. Thank you for the imput, I bought the API Ph Kit, so I will check it every now and then. I am glad it will be okay, I am worried about my rope fish since he isnt the same since i brought him home. I am thinking about taking him back since he doesnt seem to be comfortable in my tank.

How long have you had the rope fish? Some fish take a while to settle in to a new tank.
Just out of curiosity what type of infection do you think it has? How did u come to this conclusion that it's an infection?
Yeah all of the fish you have seam fine in that PH. But what kind of actions is your ropefish showing? What do you mean by antisocial? Just hiding near the bottom, or staying in only one spot?

EDIT: Disregard this! I did not look at the diagnosis above! :D
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