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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 4, 2004
New York, NY (The Big Apple)
It's been awhile since I posted pics (at least I think it has been).

The tank:

A true Sunset Hygro "forest"

Bacopa/moneywort (comes with house broken ramshorn):

Amazon "sandwich"

"I don't think he can see me".
hey mate, looooove the pics...looks great
quick question though, in the 3rd pic, what are those snails called? i got some in another tank i scored but am unsure what they are...They appear to have "tiger stripes" and are like a red slug.
Those are ramshorns...very nice snail for the planted tank, consumes dead plant matter and of course, leftover foods.

Thanks for the kind words.
Please stop pretending those are real plants. They are too scrumptious to be living. And let us know where you got those beeeyoootiful fakes!!! :D

Yikes! Gorgeous tank.....
Beautiful. I love the open spaces to the left and right of the sunset hygro - it adds alot of interest to have the taller hygro surrounded by shorter plants. Very nice indeed !
Looking really great Bill! You inspired me to try the low light planted tank. Mine isn't as well grown in or looks as good but thanks for the inspiration.
Joannde said:
I love the open spaces to the left and right of the sunset hygro - it adds alot of interest to have the taller hygro surrounded by shorter plants.

I didn't notice that affect...thanks for pointing that out Joannde. *Makes note for future aquascaping ideas*.

JRagg said:
I"m just always amazed that that's a low tech tank.

You can only imagine how shocked I am...LOL!

Zagz said:
You inspired me to try the low light planted tank.

Goodness knows we're outnumbered by the fuel injected crowd. Your tank will get there, takes time and tons of patience.
That is an amazing looking tank Bill. "I can't believe it's not butter err . . . low-light :p " The plants look incredibly healthy, even for a non-"fuel-injected" tank :)
Thanks....I was actually contemplating a low tech 75 on my drive home tonight. Was thinking 2 wpg NO would be nice.
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