Planted 10 Gallon Dwarf Puffer Tank UPDATE 4-3-07

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 10, 2005
Rapid City, SD
ok if you have been browsing about you might have noticed that i am starting a Planted 10 gallon Dwarf Puffer tank. i thought i might post some pictures on the topic...

if you want some background on what has led up to this try these threads...
Dwarf Puffer Advice
Lighting for a 10 (now with dosing)

few particulars first... 10 gallon tank, lighting is 2 CF bulbs that are 20 watt - 75 watt equivalent daylight 6500K bulbs (no idea how may WPG they are) but my goal is to medium-low
no co2 (but can do a couple DIY bottles and a bubble ladder later, will probably dose excel for a while)
for dosing i was thinking
1/8 tsp NO3
1/8 tsp K
1/32 tsp PO4
also CSM+B
how does that look, this dose would be after PWC only...

in habitants will be 2 DP (1M and 1F if i can sex them right) 3 otos, two kuli loach and maybe some ghost shrimp, once the plants grow in...

here is a shot from last night

water was still cloudy, guess i did not wash gravel good enough...

here is this morning after adding some plant clippings harvest from my 75 gallon :D
this is my first try at mixing a rock-scape with a plant-scape...i have tried both individually, but not mixed them :? what do you think?
the rocks are all gray igneous rocks, except ofcourse the slate holding down the wood, should be chemicaly inert, but will watch water chemistry. in fact the pointy rock on the left hand side is a piece of Mt. St. Helen, Blown 50 miles from the crater in the 1980 eruption! (sorry i'm, a geology Geek and a Fish Geek!!!)

Some Java Moss tied to the driftwood
2 small Amazon Swords (thanks jchilln)
Hygrophila polysperma v. Ceylon
1 small Aponogeton undulatus
Myriophyllum mattogrossense
Carolina Fanwort
and some small, young Narrow Leaf Chain Swords

i know i need more plants, will probably pick some up when i pick up the puffers tomorrow. i want a little variety from what is in my 75 8)

thoughts? ideas? suggestions?

I'd probably wait for the plants to fill in a bit before picking up the DP's. One of the major reasons for placing them in a heavily planted tank is to diffuse their aggression towards eachother. It also helps by giving them a more interesting space to explore, and keeps them happier as a result. Once the plants fill in a bit more they will fill both of these functions much better.
WaterPond said:
did you buy DPs, i'm guessing no seeing as how you have some snails in there LOL
not yet, i have 3 otis and 2 kuli loaches in there already...

the plan was to get them tomorrow, while wife is at dog class with puppy...

plants are probably still not dense enough...

i may just do a little more pruning and adding... i am not patient :twisted:
just buy more plants with the puffers :) lolits an excuse to get more lol. tanks looks good so far. should look awesome once it fills in.
mr funktastic said:
just buy more plants with the puffers :) lolits an excuse to get more lol. tanks looks good so far. should look awesome once it fills in.
my thoughts exactly... :twisted:
u should get a new tank aswell sinice u will need somewhere to move all the trimmings to once it fills up. and u could use it to breed snails to feed the puffer.... if u work this right u could get like 2 more tanks out of this one lol
mr funktastic said:
u should get a new tank aswell sinice u will need somewhere to move all the trimmings to once it fills up. and u could use it to breed snails to feed the puffer.... if u work this right u could get like 2 more tanks out of this one lol
i have another 10 gallon... :twisted: i was thinking of using it to breed guppys and snails... :twisted:

it was given to me used and was used to house mice :?
need to redo the sealant in the corners where the ate it 8O
lol redoing the silicone is super easy. should make for a nice breeding tank. good luck and i cant wait to see pics of it.
Well picked up my puffers and a few more plants today...

here is the best Pre-Release Picture i could get of the puffers, they are only ~1.5cm at the moment!

Here is the latest scape with added plants...

current plant are...
Bacopa (note sure what species, if anyone know please tell me :D )
Vesicularia dubyana
Aponogeton undulatus
1 Echinodorus macrophyllus
2 Echinodorus amazonicus
Echinodorus tenellus
Ludwigia repens
Hygrophila difformis
Hygrophila polysperma v. Ceylon
Myriophyllum mattogrossense
Cabomba carolina
totaly re did aquascaping to better refelct plants from the DP native waters :D


Limnophila aquatica
Aponogeton undulatus
Java Moss: Vesicularia dubyana
Rotala rotundifolia
Hygrophila polysperma v. Sunset
Hygrophila polysperma v. Ceylon
Four Leaf Clover: Marsilea crenata
well thanks to a Major BGA disaster my tank is torn down and re-plants... the sunset hygro faired the best.... :?
AHHH the Re-aquascape bug hit me hard this weekend i re-did both my planted 10 gallons and my planted 75 gallon....

here is the DP tank!

thoughs an suggestions welcome :D


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