Planted 5 Gallon Video/Picture Diary.

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Thanks everyone, i'm actually finally getting to the point were i'm proud of one of my tanks. I put a full shot of the tank on my mom's desktop wallpaper and people even said it look cool at her work, so I really think I actually did a good job.

Thanks everyone for commenting and helping me out till this point.

I still wouldn't mind getting some kind of floating plant for the top, something that has cool roots to some down.

Anyone have any ideas? If so it would be cool if you guys could help me find some haha.

Thanks again everyone.
February 11th, 2009. - I got some Questions, for you to answer.

Well, I was looking at the tank. Everything looks good and all, it's just I feel like I want to do something with my dwarf hairgrass. Also I feel that I want to have some kind of floating plant, some with broader type of leaves and cool roots, or decent looking roots, that would add a cool frame to my tank.


-Do you think I should move the dwarf hairgrass, yes or no. If so where.

-Do you think I should get a floating plant, yes or no. If so what kind.

Thanks for answering if you do so :D
-Do you think I should move the dwarf hairgrass, yes or no.

No. You may kill it by moving it so frequently. Allow it several weeks time to establish itself. Once it starts to exhibit a lot of nice new growth, then you can move it. Besides, doing that will help you learn patience - and that's what you need in this hobby. :)
No. You may kill it by moving it so frequently. Allow it several weeks time to establish itself. Once it starts to exhibit a lot of nice new growth, then you can move it. Besides, doing that will help you learn patience - and that's what you need in this hobby. :)

Well it's already shooting out runners, well the front part of the hairgrass clumps, that backend is still trying to establish, i'll prob. not move it, or just wait and while and snip out parts of it and put it back, then place the rest were I want it.

Have any thought about the floating plant question larry?
March 2nd, 2009 - Updates

To start this off, sorry no pictures on this update. My camera died on me while taking pictures for the update and now I need to buy batteries.

Things that have happened since last update:

-Trimmed corkscrew val. a lot. Just leaves though, not the whole plant.
-Growth with my rotala rotundifolia is growing in nicely.
-My Dwarf Hairgrass is still shooting runners.
-Still having a problem with hair algae.
-My Ludwigia “Narrow-leaf” seems to be dieing.
-My Lubelia is doing great.
-Dwarf Chainsword is growing a bit slow, but doing fine.
-Filter was moved to left side to hide in-take behind corkscrew val.
-Co2 has ran out have to make a new mixture.
-No Fish anymore, all the fish I put in that tank jump out.
-Timer has been screwed up, so my plants are getting 6hours of light now, until I can get a new timer, then it will move back up to 9-10 most likely.

Things i'm going to do:

-Create a simple lid to cover top so I can continue to have fish in there without having to worry about jumpers.
-Since my Ludwigia "Narrow-leaf" seems to be dieing, i'm going to move my Lubelia into the back right corner, then move the Ludwigia to a different location to recover, if that doesn't work then i'll have to pitch them.
-Since i'm moving the Lubelia back, i'm thinking about making a small patch of dwarf carpet over infront of the Lubeila.
-Going to try to fix my reflectors so they bend differently to give me more light.
-Still looking for red root floaters for my completion plant. Again very low on money and to many things I need.

If you members that have been checking in with my log have any suggests for everything about my tank. I don't care if it's mean or not, just tell me so I can make this better. Don't be scared to tell me because i'll take anything.
OMG Pictures! Lol. - March 23rd, 2009.

Well there are some pictures. The most recent ones were taken today March 23rd, 2009. I'm also including a picture of this tank back in November of 08. It's funny how much i've learned and how much better my tank is.

Still finding the hair algae, it's going to be a tough battle but i'm determinded to get through it.

Here is the Nov. '08 Pic

Here are 2 new pictures taken today.


You can tell in the pics i'm still fighting hair algae lol.
This might just be me, but in the back with the spiral vals? there is another plants that is intertwining. Well, I would move one or the other because imo, it seems kinda confusing. I'm thinking maybe a trim on the other plant, and maybe put them in front of the vals.

Also it seems like the bulk of the plants is concentrated on the left side. I'm not sure if this was on purpose, but I thought I'd point that out.

Final note, usually when I try to change stuff I make it worse, so do what you think is best.
Well my corkscrew val kind of took over for itself and I thought putting those plants over there would be nice. I agree it does looking confusing. I might try to seperate a bit.

I want to do more with the left half but I honestly don't know what I should do. Any suggestions?
I dunno I kinda like how its very tall on the left and short on the right it creates a sort of slope effect. How is your hairgrass doing? is it spreading much? I'm a big fan of a short carpet but thats just my opinion. keep it up!!
The "triangular composition" is a pretty common layout for aquascaping contests. I too like the look.
Well I was going to have this type of hairgrass river then let it lead out to the front from the center. But after a few plant rearrangement, i'm trying to do a small carpet on the right side, but it hasn't really grown much after the move over to the right so I think it's mad. Hopefully the fertz i'm getting will speed that up.

I just think that, like krap said above, I just make the left side a little more seperate looking. I've seen tons of aquascapes and they are jungles like that, you can tell different spaces of plants and such. I'm going to leave it as is still I start adding ferts and such. Then i'll prob. rescape a bit.
April 05, 2009 - Few Updates.

Sorry no pictures because i'm not home at the moment. I'm out of town and bored so I thought I would update to pass a little time.

Well last Monday I got some stuff in the mail for this tank. I got my new ferts from Fort. Started dosing that night. I still haven't had a test kit so I don't know how well the levels are, but I dose 2 times a week, Monday night and thrusday night.

I also got some plants in the mail. I don't remember the exact names of them off the top of my head. I know I got my red-root floaters that I have been wanting, I also got some kind of java fern, some duckweed, then a couple other plants I don't know the exact names for. Tank deff. needs some aquascaping now.

I'm going to take a completely different path for when I re-scape the tank. I'm going more with a middle thing then going down from the middle. Like have some tall plants in the middle, and have maybe some dw coming out of it. Then get shorter plants and do kind of like steps and go down. Then i'm either going to do a front and side dwarf hairgrass carpet, or side dwarf hairgrass carpet and hc carpet up front. Just going to see how things play out once I re-scape the tank. I might try to get some good hardscape in there too. Maybe a small mountain thing in the back left corner.

Once I get home I should be able to find sometime to rescape.
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