Plants for chili rasboras

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 14, 2011
Hello all,
I'm looking for an easy to care for plant for my little rasboras to relax in. i currently have some crypts and baby tears which are doing ok and did have sucess with african fern howver it grows way too fast needs too many supplements and after some crazy shifts in work has mainly died.
I'm looking for something which will offer them some cover as at the minute unless im feeding them they hang put on top of the filter! but it needs to be easy to care for,
thanks in advance :flowers:

oh other tank mate is a betta and hopefully my smudge spot corys
Java moss and java fern are 2 of the easiest plants I can think of. There is also a lace java fern that looks a little more out of the ordinary if that appeals to you.
Amazon swords are easy to take care of, and my tetras and corry cats love them.
Thanks for the help so far guys, the tank is 30x12x15 approx 80ish litres.
I like the java lace but it's difficult to get over here at a reasonable price. I'm not a fan of swords sadly an I've tried wisteria also and that didn't last long either lol
My Chili's like hiding in and behind my Java Moss but I periodically spread it out with chop sticks so it isn't so dense. The filter return current blows it into the corner and it turns into a ball!
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