Please help! Water won't settle!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 22, 2004
Leduc Alberta, Canada
Help! I have a few fish coming late tomorrow! :oops:

I recently aquired a 80 gallon tank from a friend, he was given it and had never set it up. There was sand in the bottom and he said he was told to keep the sand as cichlid's like to play in it, and it had been used so there was good bacteria in it. So I figure seeming this is the kind of tank I want (cichlid's) then I would keep the sand. I added the water first thing yesterday morning and it went all mucky. I have run the tank for just over 24 hours and it won't clear up. :evil: I have a feeling I need to remove some of the water and add more, but I don't want to wreck the good bacteria I put in my tank. I had taken the sponges from my other tank to help cycle this one quickly, I also had whatever bacteria was in the sand.

Now as for the sand what is the general opinion on it? :? I was planning on making a river rock pile in one of the back corners. And was gonna put the majority of the sand under and around those. Then put regular aquarium gravel over the rest of the area and either leave it open or add a large castle and a medium plant. I had never used sand and after this I am tempted to take it all out and start over. :roll: Is it worth it to get everything to settle and continue with my plan or should I just take all the sand out.

I would greatly appreciate any help and opinions given. :D Thank-you all in advance for your help.
The sand will settle in a few days, if the sand is finer it may take longer. Just let the water sit. Also know that the bacteria on media, decorations, or gravel will die if it goes more than 24 hourse without food (ammonia, nitrites). So either add some clear ammonia to the tank or put a fish or two in there to keep the bacteria colonies alive. Unless they've already starved :(.
Man keep the sand.
I really like the look of a tank with sand substrate but thats just my opinion.
The cichlids do like to dig in sand.
The tank will take some time to settle because the sand gets stired up when you fill the tank.
Put a sponge on the filter intake tube to keep the sand out of the filter motor. It may look odd, but your filter will last longer.
Where in Alberta are you?
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