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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 8, 2012
I have a ten gallon freshwater aquarium that has been fishless cycled. I recently bought five neon tetra, to have three die. I went back to the store and purchased four more neons along with three spotted cories. I am now down to three neons, and one is looking quite messed up (swimming sideways and in circles a lot). My cories are doing fantastic, and loving their new home. The petstores I got them from was petco. I'm sure the reason they've died is because of their poor care in the petshop and because of the fragileness of the fish. I'm not willing to spend more money on fish that will die, and there are no other stores that offer fish in my area. I was wondering if there was another schooling fish you'd recommend (I am planning on getting a dwarf gourami as well) that are easily found in petcos and are hardy. I have been recommended ember tetra and endlers livebearers, but neither are available at the store. Advice appreciated!!!
So you fishless cycled with ammonia? If you just let the tank run without adding ammonia, that isn't cycling. FIrst thing is test your tank for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate to make sure there aren't any toxin spikes going on. Also how did you acclimate the new fish to the tank? Neons are small but active fish and actually it's recommended they be in a larger tank anyway to give them more swimming space. What kind of Cory did you get, do you know? Some corys are too large for a 10 gal. As for another schooling fish, a shoal of 6 nano fish would be a good choice, like ember tetra, chili rasbora or celestial pearl danio. Some of these can be hard to find though, as you mentioned.
I cycled with ammonia, yes and I acclimated the fish over a three hour period. 20 min in the bag floating in the tank to acclimate the temp and then every 10-15 min I'd add one tablespoon until the bag doubled. Then I netted the fish and placed them in the tank. Spotted cories. All the fish you mentioned are not in my store. Would zebra danio be good? Or not?
I have a ten gallon freshwater aquarium that has been fishless cycled. I recently bought five neon tetra, to have three die. I went back to the store and purchased four more neons along with three spotted cories. I am now down to three neons, and one is looking quite messed up (swimming sideways and in circles a lot). My cories are doing fantastic, and loving their new home. The petstores I got them from was petco. I'm sure the reason they've died is because of their poor care in the petshop and because of the fragileness of the fish. I'm not willing to spend more money on fish that will die, and there are no other stores that offer fish in my area. I was wondering if there was another schooling fish you'd recommend (I am planning on getting a dwarf gourami as well) that are easily found in petcos and are hardy. I have been recommended ember tetra and endlers livebearers, but neither are available at the store. Advice appreciated!!!

Well I think if you were going to get neons u should have waited at least 4 weeks umm there are rummynose tetra witch are very cool looking and danios those are my favorite they should be good in a 10 gal as long as u don't get giant danios but all the other should be fine
If I got danios, would they be okay with the dwarf gourami? And could I get glofish? I've had those before but they were sort of feisty.
If I got danios, would they be okay with the dwarf gourami? And could I get glofish? I've had those before but they were sort of feisty.

Well that could be a problem cause there's two different Scenarios that could happen one is the the danios are so fast they pick on the gourami and then there's the gourami could be aggressive and bug the danios it all depends
get zebra danios mine always jump out and become fish food but they breed like crazy I have about 200 fry in my cichlid tank as food I cant stop tue breeding so I keep them for feeding
Well I don't want fry... Could I get some glofish and two platies?
Why not try rosy barbs they look cool and school in a group of 4-6 Im not sure how big they get tho a I use small spices as food. XD
Im kinda sad that my jaguar cichlid has eaten them all im even thinking of doing a new tank throwing 6 rosy barbs a catfish of some sort and a few tetras for looks.
Im back of to work good luck with stocking your tank mate.
I have to many cichlids my jaguars only a baby still measured him last night was 8.5 his ment to reach 30+cm so hes a big one he'll be rehomed after christmas. And Im not to sure yet I love the glass cat fish but they grow a tad big maby a bristle nose fry from one of my big tanks.
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