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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 14, 2005
So I have been watching my angelfish not recover from popeye after doing regular water changes and increasing the salt and temp in my 10 gal. aquarium. Has anyone else had to do battle with popeye and if so what are some of the best remedies available that won't harm the other inhabitants (two corys)? I have heard good things about Melafix, but am not sure it would work for this problem.
I haven't had to deal with popeye, but I have used melafix for finrot with my corys and I love the stuff. If it were me, I would try the melafix. Even if it doesn' t help (which I think it will) It wont hurt. Also if it were me, I would ease off the salt. Corys don't really like it too much, and I don't see how it would benefit the angel at this point.
Popeye is usually the result of a internal bacterial infection.
I recommend immediate quarantine if possible and medication.
Best delivery of meds would be via medicated food, if your fish will still eat.
Also treatable by meds in the water, best bet is a combination of the two treatments. Most LFS's will carry medicated food, you'll need a anti-bacterial flake or pellet.
I would recommend Maracyn / Maracyn II or Paragon for the water.
If you have trouble finding medicated food, I would be willing to send you some anti-bacterial flake via regular mail, I bought online and have plenty, please PM if needed.
PWC's, salt, Melafix and or Pimafix will not clear this up, goodluck.

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