post a pic of your planted tank!!

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lol it may be a wee bit to small but i sent u another pm that i hope helps u out. looking foreward to not having to use a magnifying glass though. well i have posted most of my tanks already but i thought i would post a pic of my tank the way it was a while ago. this was before i went all planted and had a mix of fake and real. hope u like it :)
OK this is a 54 Corner

80watt T8, only 40 on for this picture
2 large swords
1 small bananna (just planted sat)
don't know what the others are

2 Caps Flourish Potassium (every other day)
Root tabs DIY every other month
No C02
Oh yea Sand
i have never seen a 54 gallon thats an odd size. i like it though it is very open and has a nice look to it. what kind of sand is it? i have been looking at some bowfront tanks lately and was thinking about going with a 29 gallon bowfront for a cichlid grow out tank once mine start breeding
mr funktastic You know I am a salty. But, he said to check out the planted posts! WOW unreal!!!!!!!mr funktastic!!! Great! Love it.....I love all your tanks.....................
lol thanks mellisa i hope this makes u think about going back to fresh water some day!! i am still trying to figure out all the details for a little salt tank like 10 - 15 gal becasue of seeing your tank. cant wait to have both. as much as i love fresh the colour is soooo drawing in salt, its like shiny objects... who can resits them seriously!!
Ah! yay got it!

Wow, it looks soooo dodge on here! haha. very messy and jungley. can't see any of the nice wood...
I'm wanting to put a peice of drift wood in that open space to the left, I think that might balance things up a bit.
Anyways...I might post some more pics up later.
Any comments would be much appreciated...good, and constructive! haha...
Thanks again mr funktastic for helping me out with the picture posting stuff! :)
Nice tank...

I probably wouldn't go with driftwood on the left, might clutter things up a bit. Maybe some nice ground cover of some sort? My clover seems to spread pretty fast.
Thanks lonewolf...

I've been looking for ground cover for AGES but there just doesn't seem to be any here.
I've asked at just about every fish store in Perth and still can't find any.
Java moss is the closest thing I can find to any sort of ground cover...and well, we know that java moss just won't do :p
If I could find some ground cover, I'd be growing it just about everywhere!...I'm not too keen on the masses of bare gravel look.
I just found one of my early early tank pictures...have a look if you dare!


This was my tank when I first set it up...
The wisteria up the back really took off.

If you can order online, clover works pretty good. Mine is spreading quite fast actually. I just cut off my new runners and sent to another person here, should be getting it tomorrow. Will see how it does in their tank.
Nice shots Lonewolf, What is teh bright green plan in the middle..big round leaf. That Ram looks great ;-)
Fastfly, heh...yah 3rd time is the charm, but worth it. nice looking tank.

This is a picture of my new 72 gallon tank. This is one week after I set it up, so all these plants actually grew in my old 55 gallon. The front glass is wave shaped, if you close you can see it at the bottom of this picture.


Tank: Eheim Europe Wave 100
Light: Current USA Satelite (one dual and one single = 6x 65w CF) (5.4wpg)
CO2: 5lb tank, ADA Pollen Glass diffusor
Filtration: 2x Fluval 303, 9watt UV, 300watt inline heater
Substrate: ADA Aquasoil "Amazonia" (45 liters)
Fantastic tank Zezmo. Is that Eriocaulon sp. around the driftwood near center? What are you growing in there?
Thanks zezmo.

Ok, I've got to say though that your "new 72 gallon tank" is THE most beautiflu tank I've ever seen! it's a masterpeice! insane. Congrats.

I know this is a REALLY broad question, but how do you think I could get mine looking like yours?...or atleast a little closer to looking like yours?
The second big picture (blue backdrop) I posted shows my the first big picture (jungle) the layout is lost in the jungle:p I'm thinking it's too complex hey?

I'm on a 2 week "study break" form uni so I'm hoping to re-vamp my tank...
and it'll be so swell if you guys could throw some ideas at me for a nicer aqua-scape.
I'm still a noob so I'm lacking in the how-to-make-it-look-good department. :p
Now that I know how to post pics if I do go ahead with the re-vamp I can post my progress.
This thread has inspired me.

Just a thought anyway.
Once again fantastic tanks!
nice tanks guys...........can't wait to add mine to the mix.

The sand I got from a Garden Center, its more coarse than pool sand. I think I still have some in the bag if you want the name of it.

I'm trying to go slow, its been 6 months now and everything I plant takes off so I'm doing something right--with everyone's help here.

I can't wait till I can send trimmings to others, so far I have only purchased 5 small plants
i have sooo many plants that i could trim and send to people but it is just sooo much of a hasle to send crap from canada to america. man these tanks just keep gettign better and better. i am seeing some users post here that i have neevr seen in the forum before. i am glad the pictures are working for u fast fly, to reduce the blur use a tripod if u have one or find something to steady the camera on, take the pic at night and have only your tank light on and no others and if u can tun your filter down. this will get a great pic and the only blur will be the fish if they are moving to fast. i look foreward to checking this thread everyday when i get home to see all the new tanks, and they just keep on comin!! lookin foreward to seein yours glitch.
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