Pseudotropheus Acei Ngara Spawn Log

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 4, 2004
Feb 23: Noticed female Ngara holding fry. Not sure on the father but at this point I'm assuming a regular Acei.

March 7th: She has a rather large bulge in her mouth. Surprisingly she is not being harassed by any of the other fish.

March 9th: Easily removed holding mother from main tank while she was sleeping. When James tried to pick her up out of the net to put her into the transport bag she woke up and spit most of her fry into the net. We stripped the remaining 5 fry out of her mouth by holding it open at the sides. She did not struggle in the slightest. I put the mother back into the main tank and fed. Transported fry to 10 gal QT for temporary housing and fed. In a few weeks they will be transported to a 55 gal grow out tank.

March 10th: Acei fry ate all of the angel fry that was on the other half of the divider in the 10 gal tank. One would think the baby brine shrimp that I fed them last night would be enough. Apprently not. The angels were curious and wiggled their way to the other side of the tank to "mingle" with the Acei. Not a smart move for the angels.
March 18th:
So far we have not lost a single fry. They are doing beautifully. The 55 gal tank was setup today but we won't be transfering for a few days.

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Close shot of the fry. They have gained their coloration.
We have had a massive die off during the past few weeks. Ammonia levels are kept in check so I'm assuming they were too weak. We are down to I think 10 (too fast to count). Here's two pics I took yesterday.

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Last night I moved the fry from the 10 gal to the 55 gal with the assistance of Bio Spira. The peacock was holding again so we brought her up to the 10 gal and stripped the fry. They are a very nice size. The Ngara is holding yet again but we couldn't get her out of the main tank.
Great thread! Be sure to keep us updated.

It's hard to believe your female is holding again already- she must be soooo hungry!
She's about to burst. I'm thinking that she will probably spit the fry in the main tank. It's becoming impossible to pull her. Three attemps have been unsuccesful. She hides in the rock structures and we can't get her out. One more try and we're giving up.
They are doing beautifully in the 55 gal tank by themselves. I haven't been able to take any new pics but I will next time I can. The grow out tank is in my office at work so Tuesday I'll snap some pics. They are eating New Life Spectrum small formula and have no problem eating it. They are growing pretty quickly. The Ngara ended up spitting the second batch in the main tank. I think there at 4 or 5 in there. Impossible to net out. I suppose we will just let nature take it's cours.e If they survive, great. If not, that's ok. I did witness a peacock eat one of them though. Wasn't too happy about that.
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