pseudotropheus demasoni ??

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 28, 2011
Been pounding the WWW for like a week for info on this fish..
Absolutely love the color on this fish. Sound's like this fish is a

My?? Would this fish be a bad idea for my first aquarium?
Properly setting up a aquarium to house demasoni is not difficult, start with a 55g or higher, lots of rock work, sand substrate, and good filtration...pretty simple stuff. Now when stocking these evil little buggers start with 20-25 juvies then as your able to determine sex rehome the hyper-aggressive And extra males, with your final numbers should be around 13-15 fish with only 2-3 males remaining. When stocked correctly demasoni is no worse than the majority of mbuna...ok maybe a little worse but some of my favorites especially with demasoni and yellow labs that's my all time favorite but that takes a 75g minimum.
:ermm: where did it go?? Posted a pic of my brothers tank.
Has a 65g that he want's too make a sump for his
dont know what size it is.. I'm gona see if i can talk him outta
it. Know's his stuff! Love watching his fish in this tank.

Where is a good online store too find demasoni's??
Mogurako- That's a pretty fish!! seen a video on you tube
with a flavus & demasoni getting pretty nasty with each other.

Found a pretty good deal i think! ona site called Aquabid
anybody ever bought any fish from here :confused:

If you like the demasoni check out Pseudotropheus flavus

I got a majority of my Tanganyikans from Dave. He is a nice guy too. I have the luxury of being a walk in however. :D

Dave knows his stuff and he knows his fish. I have been to many fish stores in San Antonio, TX and his is by far the best for strait up fish. And he keeps his tanks clean. He doesn't stock deco or hard goods, just fish. I recommend his business highly.
I ordered my Cynotilapia Afra Cobue's from Daves, and I've used Aquabid many times both are a great resource for Africans.
...start with 20-25 juvies then as your able to determine sex rehome the hyper-aggressive And extra males, with your final numbers should be around 13-15 fish with only 2-3 males remaining...

I've personally had success in keeping demasoni's at a near 1:1 gender ratio.

In my experience with this particular species I've found that a several females per male gender ratio isn't necessary based on the overall conspecific aggressive nature of both genders.

I think the greater number of males protects the males in general. It would seem that the sub-dominant male(s) in a 2m/15f or 3m/15f colony would have a greater potential of eventual elimination by the dominant male.
My experience when stocking Demasoni is the opposite when it comes to the number of males per tank. The greater number of males when starting to mature would battle to near death when fighting for dominancy. The lower number of males with a greater number of females greatly reduced aggression in-between males.
Stopped by my bro's house today! Too double check on this
tank. It's a 55g.. and it's for sell Now:brows:

Want's $150- 55g Tank,Stand,Light,Filter.. This a decent price??
Stand's in good shape. Filter has seen better day's.
It's a whisperer 30-60.. I personally don't get it!!
I would put this on a 30g not a 55g. But im a newbie

I personally have been eyeballin a 70g canister filter
from marineland. Would this be too much for a 55g??
Tiburon said:
It's a whisperer 30-60.. I personally don't get it!!
I would put this on a 30g not a 55g. But im a newbie

I personally have been eyeballin a 70g canister filter
from marineland. Would this be too much for a 55g??

I am a fan of over filtering. You want to turn over the entire volume of your tank 8-10 times an hour. Something along the lines of a Fluval 405, Rena XP3/4 or a Eheim 2217 would be a good choice.
I am a fan of over filtering. You want to turn over the entire volume of your tank 8-10 times an hour. Something along the lines of a Fluval 405, Rena XP3/4 or a Eheim 2217 would be a good choice.

+1 I don't own a tank that's not turned over 10-12x per hour, some of my larger set up's I'm turning close to 1850GPH.
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