Purchased a couple new fish today

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 4, 2004
The African Cichlids have been breeding like crazy and have taken over the 10, 29, one 55, and the 150. It has been at least two years since I have purchased for the 55 Community and today I got the itch.

I FINALLY found some Boesemani Rainbows. Our lfs always had them in one of their show tanks but never for sale. Today was my lucky day so I picked up the only three that they had left. I also picked up nine Columbian Red Fin Tetras.

The lights are off and the new arrivals are settling so I don't have any pictures yet. I was pretty excited over finding the Rainbows and the Red Fins are just gorgeous.

To round out the tank I have:

4 Angels
3 True Rummynose Tetras
6 Hi-Fin Serpae Tetras
9 Columbian Red Fin tetras
3 Boesemani Rainbows

Ideally I'd have a few more of the Rummies but they are rather hard to come by around here.
sounds awesome! Those columbian tetras may nip at the angels, but I think the angels can take care of themselves LOL. We need a pic! I love boesemani rainbows!
I don't worry too much about fin nipping. At first the Serpae's were trying to nip the fins of the Angels but they quickly learned to back off. lol I'm hoping that since they are in a larger grouping (nine), they will more or less keep to themselves. They are also pretty small at this point. The Rainbows have been already venturing off into the tank. The Tetras are hanging around the rocks at this point.

I love Rainbows too but at this point their coloring is still rather bland. Slight coloration but not too much. Hopefully in a few weeks they will be vibrant.
I love my boemanis.

When I bought mine a few years ago, their colors weren't that great. Within 24 hours, they colored up way beyond my expectations! I still have 3 of the 4 I purchased in my 125 now.
I love my columbian tetras, but I think that the 29 is to small for them as they are so active! Great choice on them. They have (or will get) beautiful blue coloration on the upper body, very awesome!
Wow, congratulations! I remember seeing the Boesmanis in one shop and thinking that they weren't very pretty at all. Then I saw them again in a tank where they were comfortable and had colored up, and WOW, what gorgeous fish!

Enjoy them! (and post pics!)
I've always found that Rainbows don't display their best color right away. I'm sure yours will color up very nicely before long. *waiting impatiently for pictures*
Blaze- The fis are in the 55 gal, not the 29.

I kicked on the lights a few minutes ago and the Rainbows are already a nice solid blue and yellow. I figured it would be days or weeks before that happened but they were already colored this morning. Due to the position of the sun in the AM I can't get pictures, but I'll try to take some tonight.

I watched the Red Fins this morning for a few minutes and it appears the Rummies have joined the Red Fin clan. :)
I took roughly 75 pictures tonight and none came out. Those suckers are fast! I'm going to keep trying for a good picture.
I tell ya, the blurs have a nice blue and yellow coloration. :) I have some great shots of my Hi-Fins and of a few of my angels.

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