Question about pythons and pwc temperature

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 6, 2007
Well I live in Australia and I wanted to buy a python off the internet. I was wondering if anyone in Australia uses a python, or if anyone knows if it will attach to my tap? (we probably have a different tap attachment). Would rather make sure before I buy one.

My other question is at the moment I will use buckets for my pwcs. Was just wondering if you can add warm water from the tap into the bucket of water to make it closer to tank temperature, or if you can only add cold water? At the moment I fill the buckets with regular cold tap water, treat the water, then sit the bucket in a sink of hot water so it makes the bucket water warmer (takes time tho). So was wondering if there is a easier way of making the new water the same temp as the tank water with less waiting time? I thought I read somewhere that if you put in hot water from the tap it puts in copper which is bad.. but not sure if warm water is OK or not.

Thanks! Please let me know. :D :D
Yes, you can add warm water to the bucket.

Does your sink have a single spigot or do you have a seperate one for hot and cold? If you have a single spigot, does it have threads on the inside? Most do, but you'll need to check. You may have a screen on the inside that you'll have to twist off. We had to use plyers to get ours off because it was stuck on there so hard.
If you have a water bed store or a furniture store that sells water beds they will likely have a drain and fill "kit". This qizmo is the nuts of a python and if you get it in Australia it will likely be compatible with your plumbing. Once you have the drain and fill gizmo you can simply buy the hose you need, an in line shut off valve and attach your existing gravel vac. Really easy way to make sure that what you wind up with is consistent with your plumbing.
Ah thanks guys!! I have a single spigot and I will check if it has thread in the inside

vic - how interesting! I will look into the drain and fill kit, thanks a lot!

And now that I know I can add warm water to the buckets I dont have to wait half an hour for the cold water to become warmer! lol!
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