Questions (Fish cycle)

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 26, 2008
OK, I know the fish cycle doesn't appear to be popular but, when you have an impatient 4 year old with an aquarium in his room fishless cycling isn't a popular choice. On to the questions....

I have a 12 gallon aquarium and set it up and let it run for 72 hours, I added the stress coat and the stress zyme to the water and made a trip to a local fish shop. I told the lady what we wanted and what we wanted to accomplish in our aquarium, we decided on White Zebra Danios she gave me 4 small ones. I started monitoring the ammonia levels and never saw a true spike but I obviously had some ammonia in the water and the lady suggested that after two weeks bring some water in and they would test it. I had ammonia in the water and they sold me Stability by Seachem and told me to use it for a week and bring the water back for another round of test to make sure the ammonia is gone. I did that and at that time I added 3 small mollies and they told me to quit using the Stability. One morning I checked on the fish and the tank was very cloudy and I checked the water and the ammonia was back at a level between .50 to 2.0ppm, I started reading and I read something about a bacterial bloom, however the cloudiness was gone by that same night, so I am not sure if that was a bloom. I cut back on the feeding to once a day, the fish seem to be in great spirits, they are acting normal and they look normal. No red or bleeding gills, no gasping, and definitely not lethargic. The water is clear and there is no odor. So that is the backstory here are the questions....

1. Is there a chance that my tank never fully cycled properly and that adding the Stability it just kind of masked my water issues?
2. Next step is partial water changes or leave things as they are and see what happens?

Thanks! I am sure that I was overfeeding at the start of everything, now I am giving them less and watching them and only feeding the once.
How long since you added the mollies? It is a bit premature to add more fish before the cycle truly establishes, that's prob. why you are seeing a second peak. To completely cycle the tank, you need to see zero ammonia, zero nitrites & some nitrates, & this generally takes 6-8 weeks.

I would think that you are still in the middle of the process. Do not add any more fish. Do water changes whenever you see ammonia exceeding 0.5 or 1 & nitrite exceeding 0.25 or 0.5. I am not a fan of ammonia binders & other chemical methods of waste control. I would rather do pwc's until the cycle runs its course.
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