For Sale: Random Assortment of Stuff

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 20, 2011
Oxford, OH
I have some fake plants, 2 Tetra Whisper 10i, a fake coral, 2 air stones, a small pump, a cover for a HOB filter intake tube (for saving shrimp and fry), a few aquarium stones and about 10lbs of gravel.

I would like $20 for everything (this includes the shipping costs). I will ship priority.

If you want bits an parts I can do that too. Just respond or PM me:)


I can send it out as soon as you order. PayPal only please. (Forgot to add this)

I found 2 more things for you all!
A 7.06oz bottle of Tetra Min Tropical Flakes (most in it, got it about a month or so ago before I got my other food that my fish seem to like more). And 6.0g of brine shrimp eggs (I'm not sure how long I've had this so how many will actually hatch-IDK.

I will send the entire package (this will be a large priority package) for $25. Thanks for looking!

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