redoing tank is ok?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 18, 2004
ive only had my fish for 2 days but i need to redo my setup because of my java firns, would this be ok or bad for my fish and should i take them out when i do this or is it ok to leave them?
Why do you feel you have to redo a 2 day old tank? It would be bad for the fish, they are going to go through enough trauma as it is...
as i asid because of my java ferns, they are in a bad place at the moment and will root and become a mess, i wanted to redo it so that i could attach them to the driftwood and not have one half of the tank be empty
Just moving your java ferns around and attaching it to the driftwood will be fine and you can leave the fish in.

I also like your screen name. :lol:
Yeah moving the ferns around is not usually considered "redoing" a tank. Move the ferns all you want, make sure you wash you hand with water (no soap) and dry them off before sticking them in the tank.
uhm moving the driftwood isnt a problem lmao that was the whole thing i meant
If java fern is all you have in that cycling 10g you'll want to get some more faster growing plants. Otherwise you're going to have some serious algae problems.

What kind of lights are you using? Incandescent? CF? Reg. Flourescent?

Java fern takes quite awhile to root, it's not going to root while we're talking on here. However, don't "redo" any tank while your fish are still settling in.

Your tank is still cycling, I suggest multiple water changes a week to keep the high levels of ammonia and nitrite down. Otherwise you're going to lose fish.
Java Fern is never really going to root at all. They just run surface rhizomes with some very small roots growing out from there. This makes them fairly easy to reposition. I like to tie new plants to a small stone just for that reason. A quick way to kill one of these plants is to bury the rhizome. I have found that they like a current in the water and they do just fine in relatively low light. New plants will grow out of the tips of older leaves, from injured leaf edges, as well as from the new end of the rhizome. They are fairly difficult to mess up :)
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