Rummy-nosed tankmates

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Apr 16, 2005
Virginia Beach, VA
I have a 55 gal with about a dozen rummy-nosed tetras. The tank has sand substrate and plastic plants. I am looking for fish that would make good tankmates for the rummies. The rummys spend their time in the bottom half of the tank, which makes the tank look somewhat empty. I need something that will fill up the top half of the tank and not fill itself up on my rummys. Any ideas?
First I would like to say, beautiful tank!

Without knowing your preferences it is hard to suggest...but maybe hatchets or male endlers?
Thanks! I actually thought of some hatchets, but I am afraid they'll carpet surf since they are jumpers. The canopy on the tank does not fully open (it has a small slim door), so I have to remove the entire canopy to do maintenance such as water changes. I'm afraid I would lose some hatches if I did that.

As for the endlers, I'll have to do some research. I'm not sure what they are. :oops:
If you are looking for upper level fishes consider goruamis. A few dwarf gouramis would look lovely in that tank. :)
Nice tank, love the stump. 8)

The plants look lifel ike in the sand, especially the foreground ones. Can I ask what brand they are as my brother is debating on going with live or plastic?

I agree with Angels or dwarf cichlids. Rummy nose will get along fine with any non-agressive fish. I use to keep a school of them in my planted Discus tank. If you are up to it that thant tank looks like it would be a great home for up to 4 discus assuming your water chemisty and filtration are in line with keeping discus.

Other tetras I kept with mine include red serpe, lemon, glo-lite and cardinal tetras. Dawf neon gourmis look nice as well.

Really is all depends on your preferrence. Here is a great site to get some ideas about fish types and temperment:

Thanks for all the compliments! Would there be too much filtration in the tank for angels? I have an XP3 and an Eheim Wet-Dry. Also, how many could I put in there?
First, there really is no such thing as to much filtration within reason. :)

I agree with above, could probably even go with an even 6 small to med angels to stat out with which would leave room for a few other small fish. Stay away from neons with angels, but cardinals are OK.
Afilter, I forgot to answer your question about the plants. They are a combination of and the LFS, depending on what was on sale. Most of the plants came from when I had the 55 at work and they were purchased with my decorating budget. The rest came from the 44 gal corner tank that I merged with the 55 when I took it home.

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