Setting up a 29 gal

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The parametres are stable as of noon yesterday, but since the bust of the filter and the fact I cant add ammonia any more, will my 5 little guys produce enough waste to feed the bacteria?
Looking good so far (y) and I really like that breeder style tank (long & low) and stand, plus it's rimless! Did you get it that way or de-rim it yourself?

The small filter should be OK for a short time, but I'd suggest getting a replacement asap and hopefully you kept the media from the dead filter in one of the tanks since it's loaded with bacteria and will keep the cycle going.

You said bamboo plant, so is it a lucky bamboo or one of these, - Plant Guide ?

Lucky bamboo plants are semi aquatic and the leaves need to be out of the water or they'll die off and foul your water.
The parametres are stable as of noon yesterday, but since the bust of the filter and the fact I cant add ammonia any more, will my 5 little guys produce enough waste to feed the bacteria?

As long as your cycle in still going, the 5 pack will keep the bacteria breeding. Bacteria colonies adjust themselves to the bioload in the tank (poop, excess food, etc) and that's why you want to add fish a shoal at a time, rather than 20 all at once. Do that and the bacteria will multiply to a level needed to maintain the tank.

I'd suggest you do daily (even 2x) testing of ammo and no2 in the tank and be prepared for a quick PWC in case of a mini cycle. If you use Prime to cure your tap water, you can do double dose (even 5X) if an ammo or no2 spike shows it's ugly head.
Great thanks so much, then adding new fish is on hold until new notice. I'll do the twice daily parameter controls. At least it'll give me time to work on the scaping. Also will check out that site to identify the bamboo plant. Thanks again.
mfdrookie516 said:
I would get the tank stable before adding anything. That's a great looking tank. I love the rimless tanks. Is that 3' long? Personally, I would go with rams or apistos over angels in that tank, but angels can work.

Yes, its a meter long so just a bit over 3' long. Is it swiming space for the angels, because the water volume is ok, right?
No intending to make this a DIY thread, but here is a little cave Im putting together to setup in a corner or something.


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Here are my latest parameters 10 min ago.

pH: 8
Ammo: 0,03 mg/l
Nitrate: 10mg/l

I ran out of nitrite test, I'll have to get some tomorrow. How big a wc are we taking about with these numbers?
andresdeo said:
Here are my latest parameters 10 min ago.

pH: 8
Ammo: 0,03 mg/l
Nitrate: 10mg/l

I ran out of nitrite test, I'll have to get some tomorrow. How big a wc are we taking about with these numbers?

I'd suggest a 50% PWC to get that ammo down. If it's up I'd be concerned that no2 might be up too.
I finally found your thread....So far, you have been given good advices. and I am +1 with all of their suggestions.

I love the look of your new tank by the way. And as for your bamboo, it looks like the leaves are already out of your tank? Am I right? If it is, that should live.
daileene said:
I finally found your thread....So far, you have been given good advices. and I am +1 with all of their suggestions.

I love the look of your new tank by the way. And as for your bamboo, it looks like the leaves are already out of your tank? Am I right? If it is, that should live.

Yes I'll do a WC Asap. And yes the leaves are out of the tank so they should be ok. Thanks so much all of you guys for the great advice, I'll keep you posted. And maybe even ask for help again. :D
That is a great tank!! Would be really cool for a pair of apistos...I think maybe I should do that with my next tank...haha! But seriously, great job!
Thanks Joyler, I really like it very much as well. Apistos huh, I'll look into them. Im in hold for now until I get my parameters straight.
andresdeo said:
Thanks Joyler, I really like it very much as well. Apistos huh, I'll look into them. Im in hold for now until I get my parameters straight.

I suggest cockatoos :) hehe...I'm obsessed with them
Another question, this is my first wc with amazonic fish. How do I add the water at the same temperature, a second aquarium thermometer and regulate the tap water when adding to the bucket?
andresdeo said:
Another question, this is my first wc with amazonic fish. How do I add the water at the same temperature, a second aquarium thermometer and regulate the tap water when adding to the bucket?

Yes u can do it by feel or therometer!
Maybe I'll trust my feel un a couple of wc, not right now though. I checked the cockatoo apisto, really nice I'd have to read more about the subject, would it work as a center piece ir part of the comunity?
And there was the issue of how long should I leave the new filter in my stablished 10 gal before transfering it to the 29 gal. Its been in there since saturday evening.
They can be part of a community, but I think for my next tank I'll have three of them alone...a male and two females
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