Setting up a 29 gal

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Are they compatible with an angelfish though?

I don't know, but I have ghost shrimp and AES (amano) with my GSP and they seem to be holding their own. AES have this jump that scares the puffers, which is quite a feat given the way the GSP shredded all the snails in their tank lol. If you have hiding spots, that helps.

Are Angels that aggressive? Would a bottom feeder do any better?
From what I've read their less agressive when kept alone, rather than a couple. But I'll give it a try if I can get my hands on some, 2-3 sounds good to start with?
andresdeo said:
From what I've read their less agressive when kept alone, rather than a couple. But I'll give it a try if I can get my hands on some, 2-3 sounds good to start with?

Ghosties are feeder shrimp that I get for .10 each, keep a dozen in with my GSP and they do pretty good at cleaning up. AES are cleaning machines and go for 2.99, I have 4 of those in that 29g.

Question: Did you remove the rim from that 29g or did you buy it that way? I want to make my SW rimless like that.
Got it like that, sorry. I'll try to get 4 amano then, but it wont be easy I havent seen them much in lfs around here. If shrimps have almost negative bioloads would it be resonable to add them at the sametime than the angelfish?
andresdeo said:
Got it like that, sorry. I'll try to get 4 amano then, but it wont be easy I havent seen them much in lfs around here. If shrimps have almost negative bioloads would it be resonable to add them at the sametime than the angelfish?

Yep, I did a quick set, cured water and no cycle for the last buch and they're doing great :D.

I may try to de-rim the one I have, since I like the look so much.
Daily parameters control:

pH: 8
Ammo: 0
Nitri: 0
Nitrate: 10

So pretty much the same as yesterday. Some of the plants I transfered from my 15 gal had some baby Apple snails (intentionally not removed). Is it a good sign regarding water quality that they are succesfully growing or will they grow in pretty much any kind of water?
Daily parameters control:

pH: 8
Ammo: 0
Nitri: 0
Nitrate: 10

So pretty much the same as yesterday. Some of the plants I transfered from my 15 gal had some baby Apple snails (intentionally not removed). Is it a good sign regarding water quality that they are succesfully growing or will they grow in pretty much any kind of water?

My pond snails did better in 4ppm ammo filled water I think lol. Water parameters are looking good though.
Lol, never mind that then. Yes I think tomorrow I'll get either some shrimp and an angelfish or a small bottom feeder fish if I cant find shrimp.
Daily control yesterday noon:

pH: 7.5
Ammo: 0
Nitri: 0
Nitra: 10

Added a pleco too, kind of an impulse buy, but I know I'll have to get a bigger tank for him in mid-term. Trying to see exactly what kind of pleco, they said ranger pleco, but nothing in literature I've found by that name. I'll post some pictures later on.
Well apparently the addition of the pleco has not affected the water parameters, fortunately. Since my results this afternoon were the same as yesterday. What I'am not very sure about is the pH level being a little on the higher end is this ok?

What may have contributed to the good acclimation is the addition of the bigger and more appropiate filter for this size tank. I am very happy with the way everything is going. Thanks to all those who helped me make this happen.

How soon would you guys think it would be ok to add the angelfish? And given my current stock (5 silver hatchet tetras and a amazonic pleco still very small) what else could or should I add?
7.5 and went up to 8 on friday I believe, just a though I be sure to try and stay in that range.

I'll go check out that tool thanks.
Gotcha. I saw the last test as 7.5. One thing I have to do is let my cured water sit for 2hrs to get the pH from 8.2 out of the tap to 7.8 in the tank. All my tanks are 7.8 and I have no issues, but it's stable and that's the main thing you want.
Water parameters have remained constant, have had some progress with the planting, not so much with the scaping though. I might get some pictures on tomorrow to get some recommendations.
Photo update:

New hood and lights, added some neon tetras (15) and driftwood for the pleco. Also new plants hidrofila and cabomba.


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Looks really nice!! Are you planning in shorter foreground plants I think that would look really nice
Funny you mention that , I just added a Amazon sword. Would like some grass like, but suppliers here dont carry any. Im getting another sword and keep roaming around for more front cover.
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