Setting up a 29 gal

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Ok, then I'll do te switch this saturday. I just finished the 50% WC and will be checking the parametres in an hour or so.

If I get one then, he'll be by himself. Is it compatible to keep it with an angel?
I've heard no...I know apistos are a cichlid, and I think angels are part of the cichlid family too...I think
If they are not compatible then I think I'll stick to the Angel since my girlfriend has her heart set on it.

Testing the water as we speak. Results coming soon.
Parametres are in. 2 hours after my 50% WC the numbers are! Drumroll.

pH: 8
Ammo: 0 mg/l
Nitrate: 0mg/l

Havent been able to get some more nitrite testing. So Im pretty happy, I'll test tomorrow morning (or late this night depending on my stress level) to see where we stand. Thanx again.
Got my nitrite test kit in.

Parameters this morning:
pH: 7.5
Ammo: 0
Nitri and nitrate: 0

So apparently looking good! If it keeps this way I'll transfer the jet-flo 100 filter, all seeded in, on saturday and get an angelfish that same day.
andresdeo said:
Got my nitrite test kit in.

Parameters this morning:
pH: 7.5
Ammo: 0
Nitri and nitrate: 0

So apparently looking good! If it keeps this way I'll transfer the jet-flo 100 filter, all seeded in, on saturday and get an angelfish that same day.

Ammo and no2 are great, it'd be good to see some no3 which will mean the no2 is there and being converted properly to no3. I'd say keep a close eye on it over the next couple days to be sure.
andresdeo said:
Sure will, does saturday seem as a good time to wait, before adding the angelfish?

All depends on the next couple days. Seeing no3 at 5-10ppm for a couple days would be telling. IMO, it'd be better to wait than take a chance on having to deal with a fish in cycle, but it's really up to you.
Ok, waiting game it is then, I'll keep working on the scaping then. Did you really meant I should submit my 12 gal picture to a magazine?

I'll do a parameters control in a couple of hours. Thanks.
Ok, waiting game it is then, I'll keep working on the scaping then. Did you really meant I should submit my 12 gal picture to a magazine?

I'll do a parameters control in a couple of hours. Thanks.

Scaping an empty tank is my #1 recommend to people cycling, since it helps the cycle (IMO/E), gives them something to do and the tank doesn't look like a barren wasteland when company comes over checking it out lol.

Your upside down (bottomless) tank? Sure did. That's such a cool pic, seeing your goldie floating in air like that (y).

I don't dare show that pic to my daughter, because her setup/location would be perfect to add a tank like that too and I want to setup my SW tank before the next millennium party :banghead: lol.

Keep posting those results so we can follow along :D.
Parameters are in:

pH: 8
Ammo: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 5 mg/l

Is it posible that my nitrates dont go as high because of the plants I already have?
Had them high during my cycle, but then I ran out of the test kit and havent had any since then, but there has to be traces of it since Im getting a nitrate read. None high since I got the fish in there. If I do get a read on either ammo or nitrite I should do a 50 % WC right?
Had them high during my cycle, but then I ran out of the test kit and havent had any since then, but there has to be traces of it since Im getting a nitrate read. None high since I got the fish in there. If I do get a read on either ammo or nitrite I should do a 50 % WC right?

OK, I guess I missed that part. Sounds like you looking good for Angels on saturday :D.

Yep, if you see an ammo or no2 spike, be ready.
I've seen another issue, my platinum hatchet fish (school of 5), only feed at the very top of the tank and any food that sinks they wont touch. Some sinks as soon as it hits the water. Should I think of adding a bottom feeder before the angelfish?
Ya, hatchets only eat at the surface...bottom feeders are always a good idea :)
Its flakes Im giving them so most of it does float, but some sinks and therefore acumulates in the bottom. I dont know if my lfs carries something more floating specific. Was thinking of having a bottom feeder any way, so why not fill that niche first. Any recommendations?
Its flakes Im giving them so most of it does float, but some sinks and therefore acumulates in the bottom. I dont know if my lfs carries something more floating specific. Was thinking of having a bottom feeder any way, so why not fill that niche first. Any recommendations?

Shrimp, it's the new pleco lol. Love my shrimp and they eat everything, best part is the output is so low and intake so high, I consider their bioload to be in the negative, rather that some bottom feeders that poop more than my big Moor :ermm:.
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