Setting up Brackish water for puffer.

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 1, 2004
I read some stuff al ready, about what kind of salt to get, and how to measure the Spcific Gravity. What I wanted to know, is how much salt do you put in? It's a 10 gallon tank, being setup for a Figure Eight Dwarf Puffer.

Also, is everything else ran the same as the FW tanks? As far as chemicals and filtration? oh, and cycling?

And what kind of decor should I provide for the puffer?

And what happened to the Puffer Forum!? <- Puffer Punk?
I have a Figure 8 in my tropical 55 gallon. I learned of their need for BW just recently. Had the puffer for about a year, maybe more.

Thank you! I don't know why my link for the puffer forum didnt work, but oh well, all fixed now!
first, if the F8 is in freshwater now, you need to slowly acclimate him. I would make sure the new tank is cycled with freshwater that matches his original conditions. then, do a 10-20% water change every week, only you take out freshwater and put in water with your target SG. (1.005?) That way you just add enough salt to the new water to up the SG to that level by measuring it. Eventually you will reach 1.005, and by that time you will know how many tablespoons/gallon you need or whatever.
I agree with workfortheman, that's how I set up my brackish tank; although, my brackish tank fluctuates between 1.005-1.010. Aside from getting the fish settled, the bacteria need time to change, so they can do their job in a BW environment.
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