Shane's Fishroom

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 31, 2014
I wanted to join this forum to share my experiences... so I will go ahead and do so. To give you some background, here is a thread on another forum where I started... and where I am now.

Oops... just read the rules and realized that it is not allowed. You can find my thread "Shane's Fishroom (lol what?)" if you google search that phrase.

Lots of learning happened in the past year... and I have a few friends on this forum that I really cherish! So it is worth my while!!

I will give you guys some time to read through it.

In the meanwhile, here is a brief overview of what I currently keep.

Apistogramma allpahuayo "Yellow" (30 WC fish are in QT... excited about these guys)
Apistogramma sp. Blauspiegel (Rare fish from Xingu region, very few have photos. Agassizii type apisto)
Apistogramma barlowi (pair)
Apistogramma cf. regani (pair)
Apistogramma sp. Abacaxis (35-50 juvies growing out, 1 adult female)
Apistogramma sp. D50 (Trio)
Apistogramma iniridae (2 pairs, spread 3 pairs amongst local hobbyists as "safeties" in case a natural disaster hits my house and messes it all up... thanks CB!!!!)
Apistogramma sp. Totaya
Apistogramma elizabethae

Pelvicachromis/West African fish:
Pelvicachromis drachenfelsi (from Ted Judy, group of 6)
Neolebias trewavasae (group of 6)
Aphyosemion punctatum "Balo Bai" (group of 25)
Diapteron georgiae GWW 16/2

And then, some miscellaneous items that I have:
Poecellia obscura
Crenicichla regani "Tapajos" (beauties!)
various pencils and tetras etc.

If people want photos, holler the species name and I'll post a few pics... I don't have time to post pictures of all that I have.

Hope to be a nice contributor here!
Nice job Shane!! I am intrigued by those crenicichla.....
Crenicichla regani "Tapajos"... awesome fish. Let me get some pics up for ya.


Here is a young female... less than two inches. Mature females are just insane.

My male is hiding so I am unable to get some nice flicks of him right now... just got these guys 2 days ago from a friend.
Sweet! What do you feed?

Lots of worms... blackworm, bloodworm, whiteworm.

I will wean them onto flake soon, but it is difficult as they are ambush predators per say. It is not my #1 priority right now.
I agree. The real nice thing about these guys is that they stay really small, 3.5-4 inches. They are similar to Apistos in many ways, and inhabit many of the same regions.
Recent iniridae spawn... yesterday to be precise.

Few shots of male and female doing their thing... female is yellow w/ black spot, guarding her territory.



Glad to have you here!
Cool apistos, definetly want some some day.
Glad to have you here!
Cool apistos, definetly want some some day.

Thank you! I really appreciate it.

Apistos are awesome... many people do not realize it because they do not keep them in the "correct" manner... with time and patience they are the most desirable fish out there.
Welcome Shane. A lot of AA members are totally into Apistos. I believe you will like it here.
I had 2 when I first started this hobby, from a lfs that wasn't very informative on them and I didn't know anything about water parameters, especially the specific water parameters these guys need, I was also told they were community NOT they were very aggressive, but they are an amazing fish I will one day have an apisto tank as they are stunning fish
Welcome Shane. A lot of AA members are totally into Apistos. I believe you will like it here.

Thank You! What is you first name? I think it would be more appropriate to call you by that rather than V227!:)

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