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Very nice, natural looking tank. Is the guppy and Gimli getting along?

He is very mellow and only bothered the Female I had in there, but she was only there while another tank was being readied. All he did was flare at her a few times then retreated to his hiding place....he ignores EVERY other fish in there, and the Otos bug the dickens out of him he dont retaliate. He will be leaving soon as I am looking for him his own bowl in case he decides to get aggressive. I have have many bettas in my time, and some do great with other fish, including guppies while others become tiny finned terrors. He will be moved as I intend to let the RCS in there breed....and not be shrimp cocktail for Gimli! Sad cuz he does look good in there, but, I do want a slough of Baby RCS.
Picked up another betta from Petco today. They had a wonderful selection and they were all beautiful !!! Here the lil guy is! :)

What are some names?

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Ill post a better pic later once he settles in and calms down :)

He could be My Loki's brother! Love that coloring! Names? I call all my girls by names of Queens, And the boys get Heroes or Mythology names....well except Bogart, my girlfriend named him.
He could be My Loki's brother! Love that coloring! Names? I call all my girls by names of Queens, And the boys get Heroes or Mythology names....well except Bogart, my girlfriend named him.

Post a pic of Loki I'd love to see him! I love the coloration to! I wasn't even planning on getting a betta but saw this beauty for only like $3 so I thought "eh what the heck" lol.

I like the mythology idea!

Maybe Hercules, or Zeus? I really like those 2!
Sad to say my lil baby, Valentine, jumped out of his cube! Out of many bettas, I've never had one jump OUT! I've heard they are jumpers... Lesson learned! :(
Today I decided to venture out for another baby. I find it fun to watch the babies grow and see what they will turn into (sex, color, variety of betta..) this lil guy is all white with some gray specks... I need some help deciding on a name... Any suggestions?



Sad to say my lil baby, Valentine, jumped out of his cube! Out of many bettas, I've never had one jump OUT! I've heard they are jumpers... Lesson learned! :(
Today I decided to venture out for another baby. I find it fun to watch the babies grow and see what they will turn into (sex, color, variety of betta..) this lil guy is all white with some gray specks... I need some help deciding on a name... Any suggestions?

Sorry to hear about Valentine :-(
Your new baby should be called a neutral name, that will work if it is either a male or female. My vote:


PS: sorry for your loss.
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Sad to say my lil baby, Valentine, jumped out of his cube! Out of many bettas, I've never had one jump OUT! I've heard they are jumpers... Lesson learned! :(
Today I decided to venture out for another baby. I find it fun to watch the babies grow and see what they will turn into (sex, color, variety of betta..) this lil guy is all white with some gray specks... I need some help deciding on a name... Any suggestions?

I'm sorry to hear about him jumping. Take this as a lesson - Bettas need lids, or at least a few inches of tank above the water line! As for the new one, it looks like my old halfmoon plakat male Mr. Pink. Well, similar coloring at least. As for names... I suck at naming things.
Post a pic of Loki I'd love to see him! I love the coloration to! I wasn't even planning on getting a betta but saw this beauty for only like $3 so I thought "eh what the heck" lol.

I like the mythology idea!

Maybe Hercules, or Zeus? I really like those 2!

Here's already here, posted like on page 26 or 27! Zeus is cool and I considered it myself!
Sad to say my lil baby, Valentine, jumped out of his cube! Out of many bettas, I've never had one jump OUT! I've heard they are jumpers... Lesson learned! :(
Today I decided to venture out for another baby. I find it fun to watch the babies grow and see what they will turn into (sex, color, variety of betta..) this lil guy is all white with some gray specks... I need some help deciding on a name... Any suggestions?

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Ohhh sorry for your loss...we have a baby now too and it remains nameless till we see what it becomes....unofficially we call it just baby
Okay so I finally snapped some nice shots of the lil guy, but still haven't decided on a name :)






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