Shy Angel Fish!!!!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 13, 2003
Milford, Connecticut
Are angel fish shy in the light? When the lights are dim or off they swim all over the place. What gives? At the pet shop they swam all over the place.
They are just getting used to your tank. Give them a few days and they will be swarming all over the tank, begging for food whenever you walk by!
Take it back to the store with a water sample - Most pet stores have a 1 week return policy.
I did today, they exchanged it with another one. It seems to be doing fine except for hiding everytime I turn the light on.
my blue rams are still cowering after about 11 days in the tank.
they are getting better though : )
it's important to provide them with hiding places, makes the fish happy =)
Shyness for angels is normal (at least it was for me) for a week or two, at least. What size are they? You might try even giving them a treat like frozen bloodworms or live adult brine shrimp to tease them out of hiding and make them feel more comfortable. They will overcome their shyness in the company of delicious food! My rams were very shy for a while, too. BTW, I just recently added lighting to my 55-gal adult angel tank, but just on one side, and they still won't go over to that side of the tank after 3 days. As this is the breeding territory of one of the pairs, I am sure they will go back over there. They were accustomed to the dimmer standard tank hood lighting.
Keep in mind they've been uprooted twice in the very recent past (from breeder to lfs, from lfs to you). So they're pretty freaked; I'd hide too. To them, bright lights mean predators can see them (sorta ingrained) and they haven't learn bright lights and a large shape in their new home actually means yummies. Give em some time. Long as they are healthy they'll catch on quick.

The first 3 angels I got never did that. The last one was in QT with a clown loach, so I had a little fake log cave. The loach rarely visited it, but the angel would stuff himself in there. He's now a very happy camper in the main tank and never hides.
All of you guys and gals are so cool, and your knowledge is priceless, I was planning on buying all sorts of books but who needs them with you guys. All the advice I received from you are right on the dime. What do blue rams look like? If someone has a pic or website I can go to, e-mail or post the site.
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